Musume (1926) in Europe

Beat Frey beatfrey at
Wed Feb 16 02:34:49 EST 2011

While doing research on the reception of Japanese cinema in Switzerland, I 
found a review of a movie called "Musume" which was published by the 
Journal de Genève in 1926 without mention of the director. The same 
newspaper claims in a later article that this was the first Japanese 
(fiction) film to be shown in Europe. It was part of a programme originally 
set up by the cinema Studio des Ursulines in Paris (the other titles being 
the collection of short films "20 minutes de cinéma d'avant-garde" and 
René Clair's "Le voyage imaginaire"). Three questions on this: 1. Is this 
Gosho Heinosuke's "Musume" released in Japan in the same year? 2. Does a 
copy or do stills of the film still exist? 3 At least from what I know, 
Kinugasa's "Jujiro" and "Kurutta ippeji" or Mizoguchi's "Kyoren no onna 
shisho" are usually the titles mentioned to be the first Japanese films 
having been shown in Europe - or is this view now longer valid?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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