SOME SOURCE INFO re: Hayakawa, Itami Mansaku, & Atarashiki Tsuchi Variant
David Blair
blair at
Tue Jan 18 16:35:06 EST 2011
Dear Professor McCaskey,
thanks very much!
that is really appreciated.
I once met Itami's assistant editor for the project,
and read the english version of the essay about the project [by one of
authors on this wonderful list],
but somehow I completely missed that there was an English version ....
wow, maybe if I'm lucky I'll dream it tonight,
and then tomorrow can claim to have seen it ;)
On 1/18/2011 10:19 PM, mccaskem at wrote:
> Dear David Blair,
> I did not feel right about leaving the matter hanging vaguely in space, so I went
> back and looked around.
> The text excerpts below tend to verify that Itami tried to make a variant
> version...but it was not so terrific. Itami had been put off by a number of cultural
> howlers in Fanck's film - products of what some would call "Orientalism" a
> decade ago.
> The characters are in a city, maybe Kyoto, which somehow is beside a raging
> volcano actually far away, and so on. Hara Setsuko and Ruth Eweler look at a
> very garish kimono-thing, that Japanese would not want to wear to a wedding
> or anywhere else. Itami had a dispute with Fanck about these things, so later he
> tried to make a revised version, in English and Japanese, trying to salvage the
> sets, and using many of the same technical people. But it didn't really work out.
> Then the Fanck version was a hit in Germany, with a premiere at the great big
> theater near the Zoo in Berlin, where "Metropolis" had premiered. Not only was
> Fanck's film praised in Germany (and of course Japan) - it was also shown in
> other countries.
> Release Dates
> Japan . 3 February 1937 (Tokyo)
> Germany . 23 March 1937 (Berlin) (premiere)
> Finland . 21 November 1937
> Sweden . 7 April 1941
> Also Known As (AKA)
> Die Tochter des Samurai . Austria / Germany
> Die Liebe der Mitsu . Germany (reissue title)
> Mitsucho la figlia del samurai . Italy
> Mitsuko . Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
> N.r jorden brinner . Sweden
> Samurain tyt.r . Finland
> Tapfere kleine Mitsuko . Austria
> The New Earth . (undefined)
> The New Soil . (undefined)
> So the idea that Itami was "rescuing" the film just did not seem to make sense
> any longer.
> I think maybe fragments of Itami's films either were shown at Tokyo MOMA in
> connection with the 1996 retrospective film show, referenced below, or were
> shown on TV around that time, or both.
> There's still the one blog bit I can't locate, but I now entrust this matter to you.
> Best Regards,
> mmcc
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