Kinema Club XI in Vienna
matteo.boscarol at
Thu Jul 21 08:02:04 EDT 2011
Great conference! pity I won't be able to attend. I wish someone could
say/write something about Wakamatsu's Nagoya Cinemaskhole....
Matteo Boscarol
On 2011/07/20, at 21:29, Roland Domenig <roland.domenig at>
> Calling for papers for...
> Kinema Club XI in Vienna
> “Japanese Cinema Spaces and Film Environments”
> November 25 –27, 2011
> Organized by Roland Domenig (University of Vienna)
> In cooperation with the Institute of East Asian Studies, Vienna
> University, and the Austrian Japan-Society for Science and Arts
> Deadline for proposals: August 31, 2011
> Conference Dates: November 25-27, 2011
> Location: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna,
> Vienna, Austria
> Registration Fee: Professors = € 30, Students & Hijokin = € 15
> We are pleased to announce the 11th Kinema Club to take place in
> Vienna from November 25 (Fr.) to 27 (Su.). The conference in Vienna
> is dedicated to the topic “Japanese cinema spaces and film environme
> nts” and will focus on the exhibition side of film in Japan. The con
> ference will be hosted by the Institute of East Asian Studies at the
> AAKH-Campus of Vienna University, a stone’s throw away from
> Vienna’s city center.
> In recent years a significant strand of research in cinema studies
> has been devoted to understanding cinema experience in terms of the
> logic of exhibition practices. Yet, many film historians take their
> subject still very literally: they primarily write histories of
> films, but not histories of cinemas. This is particularly true in
> the case of Japan. Significant works have been published in the past
> decades that have helped expand the knowledge about Japanese film
> history outside of Japan. We know a lot about certain filmmakers and
> their films, about specific genres, the studios and the movies of a
> specific period, yet very little is known about where and how these
> films have been shown and who was watching them. We know little
> about the cinemas in Japan. The aim of this conference is to take a
> closer look at the movie theatres in Japan and to shed light on the
> Japanese exhibition market.
> The conference will be organized by the Institute of East Asian
> Studies of Vienna University and the Austrian Japan-Society for
> Science and Arts in cooperation with Kinema Club. Kinema Club is an
> informal community of scholars, artists, and fans interested in
> Japanese moving image media established in the early 1990s. One of
> its most important activities are the workshops and conferences that
> have been held since 1999. So far ten Kinema Club conferences have
> been organized: Michigan (1999), Hawai’i (2003), NYU (2004), McGill
> (2004), Tokyo (2005), NYU (2005), Yale (2006), Frankfurt (2007), Har
> vard (2009) and Hawai’i (2010). KC-XI will be the second Kinema Club
> conference held in Europe.
> Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
> histories of specific movie theatres
> biographies of film exhibitors
> regulations of exhibition spaces
> labor issues of movie theatre employees
> Cine-Club activities
> alternative ways of film exhibition
> film screenings at schools
> mobile projection units
> live performances at cinemas
> sound-scape in cinemas
> cinemas and urban development
> movie theatre architecture
> cinema audiences and movie-going experiences
> open air screenings/yagai joei
> multiplexes, mini-theatres, meigaza, etc.
> film festival exhibitions
> jisshu joei
> advertising of movie theatres,
> the cinemas of Japanese migrants
> We also invite proposals for discussants (a role that may help some
> acquire travel funds to attend).
> Conference Site: The conference will take place at the Institute of
> East Asian Studies at the AAKH-Campus of Vienna University.
> Registration Fee: € 30 for Professors and € 15 for students and
> hijokin.
> Side Program: besides the presentation of the papers an excursion to
> a couple of cinemas in Vienna is planned, among them one of the worl
> d’s oldest cinemas (BSL) built in 1905.
> Housing: Vienna offers a wide variety of hotels in all price-ranges.
> A list of hotels in the vicinity of the conference site or in
> convenient reach by public transportation will be announced soon.
> A Note on Language: The conference language will be English, but to
> draw attendees from Japan we also welcome papers proposed and
> delivered in Japanese.
> Deadline for abstracts is August 31st, 2011
> Please send proposals for presentations to:
> roland.domenig at
> Papers and presenters will be announced by September 15th, 2011.
> Please send inquiries to: roland.domenig at
> Homepage:
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