Aaron Gerow
aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Wed May 11 11:30:41 EDT 2011
Begin forwarded message:
> Founded in 1911, The University of Hong Kong is committed to the
> highest
> international standards of excellence in teaching and research, and
> has been
> at the international forefront of academic scholarship for many years.
> Ranked 21st among the top 200 universities in the world by the UK's
> Times
> Higher Education, the University has a comprehensive range of study
> programmes and research disciplines spread across 10 faculties and
> about 100
> sub-divisions of studies and learning. There are over 23,400
> undergraduate
> and postgraduate students coming from 50 countries, and more than
> 1,200
> members of academic and academic-related staff, many of whom are
> internationally renowned.
> Assistant Professor
> in the School of Humanities (Comparative Literature)
> (Ref.: 20110322)
> Applications are invited for appointment as Assistant Professor in the
> School of Humanities (Comparative Literature), from August 2012 or
> as soon
> as possible thereafter on a three-year fixed-term basis, with the
> possibility of renewal. Appointee with demonstrated performance
> will be
> considered for tenure towards the end of the second three-year
> contract.
> The department of Comparative Literature enjoys a reputation as a
> leader in
> literary, theoretical, and cultural studies using cross-cultural
> materials
> and interdisciplinary approaches. Main areas of research and
> teaching in
> the department include visual cultures and film studies, literature,
> critical theory, feminism and gender studies, postcolonial, Hong
> Kong, and
> China studies, and new media and global studies. The department
> offers
> B.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. degree programmes, and has excellent
> teaching and
> research facilities and support. The University and the Hong Kong
> Research
> Grants Council provide substantial competitive funding for research
> projects
> of all kinds. Information about the Department can be obtained at
> http://www.hku.hk/complit.
> Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in Comparative Literature
> or a
> related field. The Department seeks applicants who are strongly
> committed
> to teaching and research in literary and cultural studies in Asian
> and/or
> China-West contexts. Those with a strong publication record and
> experience
> in teamwork will have an advantage. The appointee will be expected
> to teach
> a range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels
> presented in
> theoretical, postcolonial, global, and comparative frames. Courses
> may
> include introductory film and literature, gender and sexuality, as
> well as
> drama and poetry.
> Annual salary will be in the range of HK$484,980 749,520
> (approximately
> US$1 = HK$ 7.8) (subject to review from time to time at the entire
> discretion of the University), with starting salary depending on
> qualifications and experience. At current rates, salaries tax does
> not
> exceed 15% of gross income. The appointment carries leave and
> medical/dental benefits. The appointment will attract a contract-end
> gratuity and University contribution to a retirement benefits scheme,
> totalling up to 15% of basic salary. Housing benefits will be
> provided as
> applicable.
> To ensure full consideration, applicants should submit an application
> letter, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a 1-3 page description of
> dissertation and/or current research project, a sample syllabus in
> literary
> and cultural studies as well as arrange to have three confidential
> references (quoting Ref.: 20110322) sent directly by the referees
> to the
> Assistant Registrar (Appointments), Human Resource Section,
> Registry, The
> University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. Shortlisted
> candidates
> may be invited to attend an interview.
> Further particulars and application forms (152/708) can be obtained at
> https://www.hku.hk/apptunit/; or from the Appointments Unit
> (Senior), Human
> Resource Section, Registry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
> (fax:
> (852) 2540 6735 or 2559 2058; e-mail: senrappt at hku.hk). Closes
> September
> 30, 2011. Candidates who are not contacted within 4 months of the
> closing
> date may consider their applications unsuccessful.
> The University is an equal opportunity employer and
> is committed to a No-Smoking Policy
> Esther Cheung
> Chairperson, Department of Comparative Literature
> University of Hong Kong.
> ----
> Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
> University of Alabama: http://www.tcf.ua.edu
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