Equipment and ratios

Stefan Nutz nuzumaki at
Sat May 7 15:59:38 EDT 2011

Dear List,

Yesterday, when watching Lead Tombstone by Wakamatsu Koji here at the Far East Film Festival, I recognised that some if the night scenes were extremly soft and sometimes out of focus as well. 
As the aspect ratio was 2.35 Cinemascope I was wondering where to get more information on how and with which equipment Wakamatsu shot this film. 
I know that the older anamorphic lenses, made in Russia, named Lomo (used by Kubrick, Solaris), have been unsharp unless not stopped down to a certain higher exposure level. Which leads me towards the conclusion that Wakamtsu shot on Russian lenses. 

Still I was wondering, as Japan was also a producer for anamorphic, which equipment has been used in the 60's ad later. 

Is there literature on that subject? 
Jasper, do you have any idea? I know you have done a lot of research regarding this. 

All the best,


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