Fwd: ICC Lecture Announcement (Sep.29, 2011)
John Lichten
johnlichten at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 19:28:59 EDT 2011
Hello all,
I don't believe i have ever replied to this listserv, although I've been following it for a few months now, so I'll just introduce myself a bit. My name is John Lichten, and I am a MA student at Sophia University's Graduate Program in Global Studies. Although I am not currently focusing on Japanese cinema, it is a strong interest of mine, particularly Korean & zainichi representations in film, and Ozu's earlier works.
Anyway, I received this email regarding an event on campus. It is not specific to Japanese cinema but I thought some on this list would possibly find it interesting.
thank you,
John Lichten
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Machiko_Sato at cl.sophia.ac.jp
> Date: September 7, 2011 2:17:30 PM GMT+09:00
> To: Machiko_Sato at cl.sophia.ac.jp
> Subject: ICC Lecture Announcement (Sep.29, 2011)
> Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2011
> Tradition, Culture and Aesthetics in Contemporary Asian Cinema
> Peter C. Pugsley
> University of Adelaide
> September 29, 2011
> 17:30-19:00
> Sophia University Yotsuya Campus, Building 10, room 301
> This presentation focuses on cinematic output from the Asian region - increasingly a force in global media production and the exchange of cultural understanding. Two key themes will be discussed. Firstly, I work toward a conception of an Asian aesthetic in contemporary film. My search is for images and motifs that lead us toward an understanding of how identities are constructed and how, in what is being cited as "the Asian Century", we see ourselves and others. Secondly, I revisit earlier debates on Orientalism and Occidentalism to see whether the concepts still have salience in unearthing why and how 'Asian cinema' stands apart from its Western counterparts. Through a text-based analysis of contemporary Asian films, and a more focused study of filmmakers such as Korea's Park Chan-wook and Hong Kong's Wong Kar Wai, I illustrate how individual filmmakers work within a transnational industry to produce works that maintain a recognisable cultural aesthetic, thus continuing an Asian presence on global cinema screens.
> Peter Pugsley teaches the courses Asian Screen Media, Broadcast TV & Radio and Advanced Media Theory at the University of Adelaide. His extensive teaching experience includes teaching in Media and Communications at the University of Melbourne and at RMIT University. He currently supervises a number of PhD candidates working on Asian media. Peter holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne's Department of English (Cultural Studies) and the Melbourne Asia Institute, a Graduate Diploma of Education and a BA (Hons) majoring in Chinese and Australian Studies. His most recent publication was an article on Indian cinema in the journal Continuum.
> Language: English
> No registration required
> Institute of Comparative Culture, Sophia University
> 7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku,
> Tokyo 102-8554, JAPAN
> +81-(0)3-3238-4082 (Tel)
> +81-(0)3-3238-4081(Fax)
> http ://icc . fla . sophia . ac . jp/index . html
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