Cineforum Journal Call for Submissions

anne mcknight annekmcknight at
Tue Sep 13 17:08:33 EDT 2011

thanks...I forwarded to Kyung Kim, for his K-studies's  
pretty big.

On Sep 12, 2011, at 6:47 PM, Alex Zahlten wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> the peer-reviewed bi-annual journal Cineforum, dedicated to  
> scholarship on the moving image, asks for your submissions. Please  
> find the details of the call below. If you have any questions  
> regarding the submission of an article, feel free to contact me off  
> the list anytime.
> Best,
> Alexander Zahlten
> Department of Film & Digital Media
> Dongguk University
> Cineforum Journal Call for Submissions:
> Cineforum is a peer reviewed bi-annual journal devoted to the theory  
> and art of the moving image. Cineforum is published by the  
> Department of Film and Digital Media at Dongguk University, one of  
> the preeminent film departments in South Korea. It was first  
> published in 1999 and is one of the oldest running Korean film and  
> moving images journals.
> Cineforum aims to be highly inclusive forum for the presentation and  
> discussion of innovative original research. In an age where moving  
> image industries and popular practices are increasingly integrated,  
> Cineforum touches upon the whole range of moving image production  
> and dissemination today. Occasional themed issues will treat  
> specific aspects of this range; for example, the May 2011 issue was  
> devoted to genre theory.
> Cineforum is certified due to the criteria established for an  
> international research journal by the National Research Foundation  
> of Korea.
> We welcome submissions in English, Korean or other languages, but an  
> English abstract is required. Cineforum’s scope includes a great  
> variety of aspects connected to the global art and industry of the  
> moving image, ranging from history, industrial policy to aesthetic  
> frameworks, from theatrically released feature film to experimental  
> film and new digitally based moving image media.
> While most articles stay within the range of 6,000 to 8,000 words  
> (footnotes excluded) there is no absolute limit on the length of an  
> article. The peer review process is designed to be rigorous while  
> also as swift as possible, usually taking around 30 days. Deadlines  
> are every year on April 30 and November 30, and the journal is  
> published every 31st May and 31st December.
> In addition to the print version all articles included in Cineforum  
> will be available for download from the Cineforum website free of  
> charge:
> Authors will receive one free copy of the journal issue.
> Submissions should be sent electronically to dgcineforum at
> Please write “Submission for Cineforum” in the subject line.
> The MLA referencing style is requested for all references, a  
> separate bibliography is not necessary.
> -- 
> alex at nipponconnection.

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