Fwd: Event of "Fitzgerald & Hollywood"
Nornes, Markus
amnornes at umich.edu
Wed Apr 25 11:10:06 EDT 2012
2012 Symposium of F. Scott Fitzgerald Society Japan-
"Fitzgerald and Hollywood"
At Seikei University (Room 3-101), Tokyo
1-5:30 PM, April 28 (Sat)
シンポジウム 「フィッツジェラルドとハリウッド」
日時: 2012年4月28日(土)13:30-17:30 懇親会18:00~
会場:成蹊大学 3号館101教室
開場・受付開始:13:00より 3号館101教室前にて
This year the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society of Japan invites everyone, members as well as interested party, to participate in a round table discussion on Fitzgerald and Hollywood. We will be discussing the art of cinematic writing in Fitzgerald's novels in which particular attention will be paid to the ways sight and sound were given forms to express particular sensibility that might be called a Fitzgeraldian style. Contrasting Hemingway's subjective wording of impressionistic affects, Fitzgerald's cinematic writing, or writing with visuality, lends itself readily to the medium of cinema that enhances emotional communication of subtly layered feelings through devices of both sight and sound alike. Using Hollywood's love/hate relationship with Fitzgerald as a point of departure, we will look at the art of cinematic adaptation in Fitzgerald's writings and in turn reconsider Fitzgerald's contribution in world literature in the age of hyper media saturation through the lens of Hollywood cinema.
基調講演 Keynote Address (13:30-14:00)
Leo Chen (京都造形芸術大学)
"Filming Twilight, Tenderly ̶ F Scott Fitzgerald’s Visualization of Emotion and Metaphor and the Iconomy of Hollywood"
パネル・ディスカッション Panel Discussion (14:10-17:30)
(司会) 宮脇俊文(成蹊大学)
"Great Gatsby in Lost Art of Reading"
「『グレート・ギャツビー』のハリウッド的解釈 ― 『華麗なるギャツビー』(1974)を中心に」
懇親会 Party time!(18:00- ) 会場:モアMore(0422-21-3007)
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