film salvation project by the film preservation society

Cathy nishikataeiga at
Thu Jan 26 17:45:02 EST 2012

Thanks Nakayama-san,

I will try on a different computer tomorrow to see if I get a different

Thanks to Steve who wrote me with advice - I do clear my cache/cookies
regularly and  I tried the website with more than one browser without any
luck before I wrote my initial message.  I'll update when I get through to
the site.

It sounds like a great project,
All the best, Cathy

2012/1/26 Yuki Nakayama <yuki.nakayama at>

> Dear Cathy,
> This is so unfortunate. I have informed the Film Preservation Society
> (FPS) so hopefully they can resolve this. I believe the .jp site is
> affiliated with the the main site for FPS has its own
> domain name, but the site for the Film Salvation project is through
> *If anyone else experienced any difficulties accessing the site from
> abroad on this listserve please let me know!
> 2012/1/25 Cathy <nishikataeiga at>
>> Dear Nakayama-san,
>> They are still not working for me - I wonder if the site is
>> region-blocked for Germany for some reason? Strange.  Is the .jp site
>> affiliated with ?
>> Best regards, Cathy
>> 2012/1/25 Yuki Nakayama <yuki.nakayama at>
>>> Dear Cathy,
>>> Sorry. I just checked and they are working for me. I am not sure why it
>>> was giving you an error. But here are some more links to the Film Salvation
>>> project some in english and some in japanese hopefully at least one will
>>> work. I've also attached a jpeg of the poster of the project.
>>> If you know anyone that may benefit from the services offered by the
>>> project please let them know. I hear that during the rubble removal, people
>>> are able to pull out photo albums to be saved, but I have not heard of
>>> films/videos being saved. I think its common to think these damaged
>>> film/videos are lost cause.
>>> fps english website: (go to latest
>>> news and go to the april post)
>>> fps japanese site: (there is a link to the
>>> salvation project on the top page)
>>> Yuki Nakayama
>>> (yuki.nakayama at
>>> New York University
>>> Tisch School of the Arts
>>> Cinema Studies Department
>>> M.A. Candidate.
>>> 2012/1/25 Cathy <nishikataeiga at>
>>>> Nakayama-san,
>>>> The link that you share in this article appears to be currently dead.
>>>>  I got a 404 error for both it and the homepage for this website.  It does;
>>>> however, sound like a very worthy project.
>>>> Best wishes, Cathy
>>>> On 25 January 2012 02:34, Yuki Nakayama <yuki.nakayama at>wrote:
>>>>> Most people may already know about this project, but I don't think I
>>>>> have not seen this project being mentioned on this list serve before.
>>>>> The Film Preservation Society has started the Film Salvation Project
>>>>> shortly after the earthquake to save films and videos damaged by the
>>>>> earthquake/tsunami. They are offering free services to clean the
>>>>> films/video and is not limited to 3.11 related damages (I am not sure if
>>>>> they are already accepting them, but they have plans to deal with any
>>>>> water-damaged materials in the future).
>>>>> Link:
>>>>> The page also has a link to a videos of how to deal with water damaged
>>>>> 8mm films.
>>>>> It has been 10 months since the earthquake and there are still large
>>>>> problems to be dealt with, but I hope more people will be able to utilize
>>>>> the services offered by the film salvation project to save home movies and
>>>>> other moving image materials.
>>>>> Yuki Nakayama
>>>>> (yuki.nakayama at
>>>>> New York University
>>>>> Tisch School of the Arts
>>>>> Cinema Studies Department
>>>>> M.A. Candidate
>>>> --
>>>> Catherine Munroe Hotes
>>>> $B%^%s%m!<%[!<%F%9!&%-%c%5%j%s(B
>>>> PhD in Film and Visual Culture
>>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>>> Nishikata Film Review
>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>> Rosenstrasse 13
>>>> D-35452 Heuchelheim (Kinzenbach)
>>>> Germany ($B%I%$%D(B)
>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>> Tel +49 (0) 641-960-8614
>> --
>> Catherine Munroe Hotes
>> $B%^%s%m!<%[!<%F%9!&%-%c%5%j%s(B
>> PhD in Film and Visual Culture
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> Nishikata Film Review
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> Rosenstrasse 13
>> D-35452 Heuchelheim (Kinzenbach)
>> Germany ($B%I%$%D(B)
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> Tel +49 (0) 641-960-8614

Catherine Munroe Hotes
PhD in Film and Visual Culture
Nishikata Film Review
Rosenstrasse 13
D-35452 Heuchelheim (Kinzenbach)
Germany ($B%I%$%D(B)
Tel +49 (0) 641-960-8614
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