search for out of print video

faith faithbach at
Tue Jan 24 00:59:16 EST 2012

there are lots of old videos up for grabs on the Yahoo auction site. if they don't have it now, you can put it on "alert" as well.

--- On Mon, 2012/1/23, Aragorn Quinn <aragornq at> wrote:

Hi KineJapan,

I am a grad student working on Japanese Proletarian theater and the soshi shibai in Meiji Japan. I have been looking for a copy of the film "Kitamura Tokoku: Waga fuyu no uta", and have so far been stumped. It came out in 1977 and seems to have been put out on VHS, so I feel like it must exist somewhere. But I've checked everywhere that I could think of and come up blank--OCLC, NACSIS, Amazon, Tsutaya, The National Film Center. I've found the script, but if anyone has any thoughts about where one might procure a copy of an out of print video, I would be forever in your debt.


Aragorn Quinn 
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