
=%ISO-8859-1?Q?J=E9r=E9mie_de_Albuquerque?= j.dealbuquerque at
Mon Jan 23 04:44:34 EST 2012

Dear All,

I just read the mailing list information and saw that a new member has to
introduce himself. So, before asking any question, here’s my introduction
Please excuse my poor English. I read it perfectly but I'm not used to
write in it.

*Name:* Jérémie de Albuquerque

*Institutional affiliation or job:* Business Intelligence Project Engineer
(unfortunately, my present work has no link with research, Japan or cinema)

*City and country:* Paris, France

*Research projects or publications:* My master thesis in political science
(UQAM, Canada, 2007) was on the influence of Japanese nationalism in the
Taiwanese colonization (in French here:
Even if it’s not a research project, I also have a blog on cinema (in
French: with some articles on Japanese
cinema (in particular on *Tsuchi to heitai* directed by Tasaka Tomotaka and
*Tsuchi* directed by Uchida Tomu).

*Interests with regard to Japanese film and moving image media:* Japanese
cinema from the 30s to the 60s; nationalism and propaganda in Japanese


Jérémie de Albuquerque
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