[KineJapan] Kindle problems

Paul Roquet inqualia at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 14:42:53 EST 2013

Hi Eija,

I have a Japanese Kindle and have managed to switch back and forth between
the Japanese and US stores in order to purchase content from both. It took
a call to customer service to explain the situation (i.e. moving back and
forth between countries a lot) and have them link my amazon.com and
amazon.co.jp kindle accounts together. Your kindle can only be registered
to (and can only purchase from) one country/store at a time, but all you
have to do to switch is go into your kindle settings through the website,
switch your address to the other country, and agree to change stores. As
far as I can tell there is no limit on how many times you can switch back
and forth, and everything you order from both accounts is available on the
device itself.

The Japanese kindle store is still pretty spotty but it is improving day by
day. I'm hoping for more short-format topical e-books like Marc Schilling's
Shiro Kido essay (in the US store) and Shimizu Ryosuke's 'Dare ga ongaku o
koroshita ka?' (a critique of the Japanese music industry - adapted from a
business periodical - and a minor hit in the Japanese kindle store). I
haven't seen anything on film like this hit the Japanese e-book market yet,
but it will be interesting to see what emerges - a 'Dare ga eiga o
koroshita ka?' would be a good start!


On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Eija Niskanen
<eija at helsinkicineaasia.fi>wrote:

> Sorry for a question slightly aside from pure film discussion. I thought
> about buying a Kindle, but as Kindle is tied to the Amazon of the country
> of purchase, how have you solved the problem of buying, say
> English-language Academic books from Amazon U.S. and Japanese-language
> books from Amazon Japan? Or would it be worth buying some other reading
> device, Kobo, Sony, other?
> Eija
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