[KineJapan] Ainu Documentary Screening

Marcos.Centeno at uv.es Marcos.Centeno at uv.es
Thu Dec 5 12:44:03 EST 2013

Dear Kinejapaners,

I am very pleased to inform you about the release of the full-length
documentary "Ainu. Paths to Memory" ("Ainu. Caminos a la memoria", 2013,
82') we have just finished about the minorisation process of the Ainu
For those in Valencia (Spain) next week you are welcome to the screening
at University of Valencia (free entrance):

Title: "Ainu. Paths to memory" ("Ainu. Caminos a la memoria", 82
minutes, 2013)
Venue: 1st floor. Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació.
Universitat de València.
Date: December. Wed. 11. At 12:00.
Trailer and more information (Spanish or English):
(For those interested: you can participate as sponsor in the
crowdfunding campaign and obtain the DVD, online viewing or having your
name mentioned on the credits, until the end of next week).

Together with the film you can visit the Photo exhibition "Ainu
2009-2013" by Laura Liverani (texts: Marcos Centeno).
Hall of Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació. Universitat de
From December 9 to 13.

Best regards,
Centeno Martín, Marcos Pablo
Àrea de Comunicació Audiovisual.
Dept. Tª dels Llenguatges i Ciències de la Comunicació.
Universitat de València.
Documental "Ainu. Caminos a la memoria"

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