[KineJapan] Cinema Typhoon @ Tokyo Keizai Daigaku 14 July

Nicola Liscutin nliscutin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 22:53:13 EDT 2013

Dear Kine-Japaners,

As part of the Cultural Typhoon 2013 Conference on 13-14 July at Tokyo
Keizai Daigaku, we are holding again a 'Cinema Typhoon'. A good part of the
Cinema Typhoon will focus on 'Fukushima' related documentaries and the
ethics and aesthetics of film-making in Fukushima.

The free preview screenings on Sunday, 14 July, include

'Nuclear Nation/Futaba kara toku hanarete', dir. Funahashi Atsushi
'No Man's Zone/Mujin chitai', dir. Fujiwara Toshi
'A2', Ian Thomas Ash

These screenings will be followed by a roundtable discussion with the three

Details of the program can be found here:

All welcome! No prior registration necessary! Screenings are free!

Place: Room B201 in Bldg. 2 at Tokyo Keizai Daigaku
Access Map:
Campus Map:

Best regards,
Nicola Liscutin
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