[KineJapan] AHRC Manga Movies Project Report - NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!

Rayna Denison rayna_nottingham at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 12 10:19:51 EDT 2013

With apologies for cross-posting:

 I wanted to get in touch about the project I have been
working on for the AHRC called Manga
Movies: Contemporary Japanese Cinema, Media Franchising and Adaptation. Our first Project Report, on Transmedia
Japanese Franchising is now ready, and can be found at: http://www.mangamoviesproject.com/publications.


Our second report: Japan’s Manga, Anime and Film
Industries will also be made available from Monday 17th June
2013, on our website. Do look out for it!


We would love to get your feedback on the Reports.
If you want to, you can submit comments on the Publications page of our
website, or you can simply reply to me at this email. We would love to know
what you thought about them, especially if the Reports will be useful to you in
your future endeavours.


Do get in touch!

Best wishes



Dr Rayna Denison

Lecturer in Film, Television and Media Studies

School of Film, Television and Media Studies

University of East Anglia




Tel: 01603592798

Email: r.denison at uea.ac.uk

Website: http://www.mangamoviesproject.com/


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