[KineJapan] UTCP Talk: "Medium Disaster 311"

Eija Niskanen eija at helsinkicineaasia.fi
Tue Jun 25 21:49:33 EDT 2013

Is the Lippit talk at 17:00, or at 16:30 (as stated in the flyer)?

2013/6/21 Mark Roberts <mroberts37 at mail-central.com>

> Dear KineJapaners,
> Please join us at UTCP for a talk by Akira Mizuta Lippit (University of
> Southern California) on *Wednesday, June 26th at 17:00*.
> Title: "Medium Disaster 311"
> Place: University of Tokyo, Center for Philosophy, Collaboration Room 2,
> Bld. 18 <http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/eng_site/images/map2012.pdf>, The
> University of Tokyo, Komaba.
> Language: English | No registration required
> Details:
> http://utcp.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/events/2013/06/lecture_by_akira_mizuta_lippit/index_en.php
> *Abstract*
> The 2011 Japanese earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent low-grade nuclear
> crisis have come to be known collectively as “311,” marking the date of
> that three-part disaster on March 11, 2011, while echoing the appellation
> for the 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States or “911.” Why invoke
> the events of September 11, 2011 here? Why situate this event 311 in
> relation to that other event 911? The nature of these two events differs in
> numerous ways, not least of which involves the status of nature itself. In
> the case of “311,” an earthquake triggered a tsunami, which in
> turn unleashed a force already at the threshold between nature and
> technology, nuclear radiation, a phenomenon at once natural and unnatural.
> A sequence of natural disasters led to a technological crisis, perhaps the
> exemplary technological crisis, and the threat of total annihilation. But
> 311 is also the echo of another event, another threat of annihilation, the
> atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and marks the return of
> radiation to Japan more than 65 years after the end of World War II.
> Between 1945 and 911, 311 recalls the specters of a crisis
> in representation, a middle space or medium convergence of history,
> disaster, and the forces of representation. This paper seeks to understand
> the multiple media at work in 311 and to expose the pressures it places on
> the media that seek to name and render 311 visible. It asks whether the
> contemporary Japanese cinema anticipates the disaster to come, a medium
> disaster embedded in the traces of Japan’s recent past, the very disaster
> of the medium as such.
> What 311 makes evident is the shadow optic of 1945, a trans-historical
> light that anticipates the return of catastrophic light, of the radiation
> that never left: it was always there, a low disaster that anticipates the
> medium disaster to come. Japan’s superficial cinema, the cinema of
> surfaces, prepares *ad nauseum* for the return of disaster, for the
> return of a disaster that never fully disappeared. A spectral disaster,
> already at work throughout the medium, there, everywhere already.
> Moderator: Yasunari Takada (UTCP)
> Sponsored by The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP), Uehiro
> Research Division
> Co-sponsored by The University of Tokyo, Komaba, Graduate School of Arts
> and Sciences, the Department of Cultural Representation
> ----
> Mark Roberts
> Research Fellow, UTCP
> http://utcp.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/members/data/mark_roberts/index_en.php
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