[KineJapan] The marketshare of Japanese films in Japan

Gregory Johnson gsjohnson at otsuma.ac.jp
Sun Nov 17 22:38:26 EST 2013

Thanks for the insights!

Greg Johnson

On Nov 18, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Mark Roberts wrote:

> So, a follow-up question would be: since Eiren is padding the  
> numbers, which sources give a better breakdown of jishu eiga, pinku,  
> anime, ODS, etc.? The Japanese Film Database has some of this  
> information, but not all.
> As for foreign films coming to Japan late, I have seen this again  
> and again. For international distribution, Japan is very often dead  
> last in the entire world.
> My hypothesis is that there are at least two things going on here.
> First, I suspect that foreign films "arrive" late in Japan because  
> the major distribution companies are giving priority to their stuff,  
> and there are not enough independent companies to pick up the slack.  
> I have heard people in distribution companies say that a major  
> foreign film was bought at Cannes, almost two years before it opened  
> in Tokyo. The second factor is simply that the general public are  
> not very engaged in new films. I don't have the impression that  
> large numbers of people are accessing films via the Internet. That  
> kind of culture seems more marginal here. Rather, people are just  
> not watching them at all. Frequentation statistics in theaters would  
> seem to bear this out.
> Simply put, compared to the US, the UK, France, South Korea and Hong  
> Kong, cinema just isn't very important in Japan today.
> M.
> On Nov 18, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Gregory Johnson wrote:
>> This is just a guess for which I have no proof, but I wonder if the  
>> extent to which Japanese are watching foreign films without going  
>> through the box office is rising. It takes a while for foreign  
>> films to get to theaters in Japan. Many times I've already seen  
>> something on an international flight before it appears here. And  
>> despite various barriers, people often can access them on the  
>> internet before they officially arrive. Are there any grounds for  
>> this idea?
>> Greg Johnson
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