[KineJapan] "The Aesthetics of Shadow" Retrospective @ Berlin International Film Festival

Daisuke Miyao dmiyao at uoregon.edu
Fri Nov 8 13:11:35 EST 2013

Dear all,

Thank you very much for your interests in the retrospective.  Answering 
Alex's question, here is the tentative list of films (not only 
Japanese).  In addition to Berlin International Film Festival, I am 
collaborating with MoMA of New York, and they will have its own "The 
Aesthetics of Shadow" series in January.  More information to come....


1) Street films: “City as protagonist”
JUJIRO (Crossways/Im Schatten des Yoshiwara), Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1928 
(silent, engl. subt.)
SONO YO NO TSUMA (That Night’s Wife), Yasujiro Ozu, 1930 (silent, engl. 
NINJO KAMIFUSEN (Humanity and Paper Balloon), Yamanaka Sadao, 1937 
(engl. subt.)
SUNRISE, F.W. Murnau, 1927 (silent)
QUAI DES BRUMES, Marcel Carné, F 1938 (Eugen Schüfftan)
UNTER DER LATERNE, Gerhard Lamprecht, G 1926 (silent, digital 
restoration, Deutsche Kinemathek)
DIRNENTRAGÖDIE, Bruno Rahn, 1927 (Guido Seeber) or
MINATO NO NIHON MUSUME (Japanese Girls at the Harbor), Hiroshi Shimizu, 

2) jidaigeki: “Flash of the sword”
YUKINOJO HENGE (An Actor’s Revenge), Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1935/1952 
(engl. subt.)
THE MARK OF ZORRO, Fred Niblo, 1920 (silent)
RASHOMON, Akira Kurosawa, 1950
THE IRON MASK, Allan Dwan, 1929 (silent)or
SCARAMOUCHE, Rex Ingram, 1924 (silent)

3) “War films”
GONIN NO SEKKOHEI (Five Scouts), Tomotaka Tasaka, 1938 (live subt. 
HAWAI MARE OKI KAISEN (The War at Sea from Hawaii to Malaya), Kajiro 
Yamamoto, 1944 (live subt. engl.)
DAWN PATROL, Howard Hawks, 1930
AIR FORCE, Howard Hawks, 1943

Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Kazuo Hasegawa/Hayashi Chojiro, Sessue 
Hayakawa etc.
4) Lighting styles for stars
TSURUHACHI TSURUJIRO (Tsuruhachi and Tsurujiro), Mikio Naruse, 1938 
(engl. subt.)
THE TYPHOON, Reginald Barker, (withHenry Kotani), 1914 (silent)
THE CHEAT, Cecil B. DeMille, 1915 (silent)
SHANGHAI EXPRESS, Josef von Sternberg, 1932 (Lee Garmes) and/or
FLESH AND THE DEVIL, Clarence Brown, 1926 (William Daniels) and/or

5) Light and Rhythm
KURUTTA IPPEJI (A Page of Madness), Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1926 (silent, 
engl. subt.)
OSHIDORI UTAGASSEN (Singing Lovebirds), Makino Masahiro, 1939 (engl. 
BERLIN. DIE SINFONIE DER GROßSTADT (Berlin. Symphony of a Great City), 
Walther Ruttmann, 1927
1 Short film program:
OPUS I-IV, Walther Ruttmann, 1921-25
Lichtspiel Schwarz Weiss Grau, László Moholy-Nagy, 1930
Grossstadtzigeuner, László Moholy-Nagy, 1932

6) Painting with shadows
UGETSU (Tales of the Rain and Moon), Kenji Mizoguchi, 1953 (engl. 
FAUST, F.W. Murnau, 1926 (silent)
LA BELLE ET LA BETE, Jean Cocteau, F 1945 (Henri Alekan)
STAGECOACH, John Ford, 1939 (Bert Glennon)
and possibly FÄHRMANN MARIA, Frank Wysbar, G 1936

7) Towards Realism (6 films)
DOCKS OF NEW YORK, Josef von Sternberg, 1926 (engl. subt.)
NASAKE NO HIKARI (Light of Compassion), Henri Kotani, 1926 (silent, 
engl. live subt.)
TOKYO NO EIYU (A Hero of Tokyo), Hiroshi Shimizu, 1935 (engl. subt.)
THE GRAPES OF WRATH, John Ford, 1940
CITIZEN KANE, Orson Welles, 1941
NAKED CITY Jules Dassin, 1948 (restoration LoC) or
BERLIN EXPRESS, Jacques Tourneur, 1948 (restoration LoC)

Additional title:
Benjamin Christensen: HÆVNENS NAT or HEMMELIGHEDSFULDE X (or less known 
title → Thomas Christensen) (silent)

On 2013/11/08 06:52, Alex Zahlten wrote:
> This looks amazing, Daisuke. In the press release no specific films
> seem to be mentioned- are you allowed to give us an idea of which
> Japanese films will be playing there?
> Best
> Alex
> GESENDET: Donnerstag, 07. November 2013 um 22:50 Uhr
>  VON: "Daisuke Miyao" <dmiyao at uoregon.edu>
>  AN: "Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum" 
> <kinejapan at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
>  BETREFF: [KineJapan] "The Aesthetics of Shadow" Retrospective @
> Berlin International Film Festival
> Dear All,
>  I would like to let you know that my book, The Aesthetics of Shadow:
>  Lighting and Japanese Cinema (Duke University Press, 2013), is 
> invited
>  to the 64th Berlin International Film Festival. There will be a
>  retrospective based on the book and beyond. Here is the link to the
>  festival website.
> http://www.berlinale.de/en/presse/pressemitteilungen/alle/Alle-Detail_19796.html
> [1]
>  I am going to introduce some films. If you are in Berlin in February,
>  see you there!
>  Best,
>  Daisuke
>  Daisuke Miyao
>  Associate Professor of Japanese Film and Cinema Studies
>  University of Oregon
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> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> http://www.berlinale.de/en/presse/pressemitteilungen/alle/Alle-Detail_19796.html
> [2] https://lists.service.ohio-state.edu/mailman/listinfo/kinejapan
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