[KineJapan] How to record of NHK world in HD

Johan Nordstrom johan.nord at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 02:30:12 EDT 2014

Hi Everyone,

This is slightly of topic but I was wondering if any one knows a way to
make a HD recording of programs that are shown on the NHK world?

There is a documentary shown this Sunday called "Real Samurai" about the
the teacher Otake Risuke of the kobudo school Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto
Ryu, that I would very much like to have recorded. Since I am in Japan,
this is proving a bit  more difficult than I had first imagined.

If anyone out there knows a way, or perhaps has a means of doing an HD
recording, and would be willing to help me, I would be extremely grateful
if they could contact me of list!

Very best,

Johan Nordstrom
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