[KineJapan] Japanese Film position at Univ. of Oregon

Takuya Tsunoda takuya.tsunoda at yale.edu
Thu Jun 5 08:03:35 EDT 2014

Dear Gerow Sensei,

Thank you for your email. I was also reading the posting carefully. As you mentioned, there are some ambiguous (flexible?) aspects in the posting, but that makes me feel that the search might take place the following year as well. I did not know that Daisuke was moving to UCSD!
Is the Oregon campus close to your home? I will talk to you soon.


On Jun 4, 2014, at 10:37 PM, Gerow Aaron <aaron.gerow at yale.edu> wrote:

> Takuya,
> You might have seen this. Obviously, this is not for you, but as you might have heard, this position is opening up because Miyao is moving to UCSD. So there is a possibility Oregon will run the search to replace him next year. (Unfortunately, this post does not state the length of the visiting position.) So keep your eyes out for that.
> Aaron
> Begin forwarded message:
>> 差出人: Daisuke Miyao <dmiyao at uoregon.edu>
>> 日時: June 4, 2014 5:55:17 PM EDT
>> 宛先: <kinejapan at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
>> 件名: [KineJapan] Japanese Film position at Univ. of Oregon
>> 返信先: Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum <kinejapan at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
>> Dear all,
>> Please circulate this among any people who might be interested.  Thank you.
>> Best,
>> Daisuke
>> Japanese Film
>> The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the University of Oregon seeks applicants for Visiting Assistant Professor in Japanese film.  The appointment will begin on September 16, 2014.
>> Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in Japanese studies or related fields in hand at the time of the appointment.  ABDs are also encouraged to apply.
>> Preferred Qualifications: Expertise in Japanese film.  Interests in films of other East Asian regions and transnational aspects of film history and theory are also preferable.
>> Interested candidates should email the following items to Professor Daisuke Miyao (dmiyao at uoregon.edu), Chair, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Oregon:
>> *completed application form (“Application, Unclassified – Short Form,” download here: http://ups.uoregon.edu/content/forms)
>> *current CV with names and contact information for three references
>> *a short statement of research and teaching interests
>> *up to two sample syllabi
>> The review will begin immediately.  All applications will be kept on file until 3/31/2015.
>> The University of Oregon is an AA/EO/ADA employer committed to cultural diversity.
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