[KineJapan] TV-drama Ashita, mama ga inai

Saito Ayako frannyandzoey at infoseek.jp
Tue Mar 4 21:29:39 EST 2014

Dear Eija,

I saw the first 20 minutes of the first show and it was just awful (the situation and the dialog was too unrealistic, performance is too exaggerated), so I changed the channel.  All I could see was scandalization. I didn't see any sincere attempts to tackle the problem. I was appalled and found the whole premise so offensive and pretentious that I couldn't keep watching. When I heard the show was under serious criticism, I could totally understand it. I think it's one of the typical commercial attempts to stir up controversies but really I didn't find any critical mind at work in the show, and I had no intention to watch it again. 

Ayako Saito   

Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:10:42 +0200
From: eija at helsinkicineaasia.fi
To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [KineJapan] TV-drama Ashita, mama ga inai

Sorry to sidetrack from cinema to TV drama, but I was wondering if anyone living in Japan now has seen this drama titled  明日ママがいない and what are your thoughts on it? Seems like an interesting case of the network pulling there PR down because of criticism of the show. 



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