[KineJapan] Content industry export value statistics?
Eija Niskanen
eija at helsinkicineaasia.fi
Wed May 28 06:26:34 EDT 2014
Stephen - you are right in your last remark. "Content" might refer to
anything, including the sales of karaoke. :D
2014-05-28 13:11 GMT+03:00 Stephen Cremin <stephen at asianfilm.info>:
> ¥153. Just joking.
> I'd love to know the value of movie exports and presumably that was
> estimated by JETRO, VIPO, etc, when pushing for their budgets. But given
> how difficult it is to get timely and detailed box office data in Japan, I
> imagine the numbers you're looking for might not be so forthcoming. (That
> US$300m Cool Japan fund should license Kogyo Tsushin's historical data for
> industry use. How can one hope to have a professional film industry in any
> country without transparent box office?)
> In South Korea, sales companies give the actual dollar numbers for each
> film by territory to the Korean Film Council in confidence, who publish
> aggregated numbers on the annual percentage change in sales, including
> overages. They can also break it don by territory, to see how sales to
> Germany, etc, is faring. But looking at last years total export value,
> which grew 83.7% on 2012, is pretty meaningless without knowing what
> Weinstein paid for SNOWPIERCER.
> It would be fascinating to have annual figures in Japan going back several
> years, if only to see the effectiveness of the subsidies going to sales
> companies at markets, etc. Surely it's the best indicator of their success. I'd
> be careful of the word "content" as it's too vague and government
> departments might define it more broadly than is useful.
> Stephen Cremin
> —
> Sent from Mailbox <https://www.dropbox.com/mailbox>
> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 6:26 AM, Eija Niskanen <eija at helsinkicineaasia.fi>wrote:
>> Hi! Which source do you suggest I find reliable yearly figures in terms
>> of finding the export value of content industry in all and movie export -
>> and is there a special figure for remake export value?
>> Eija
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