[KineJapan] Film Location Question

Tim Stone realswampland at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 29 20:03:55 EDT 2015

Try Mako Tanaka a Japanese Film Commissioner with US Studio experience and extensive knowledge of the local scene. Or the Japan Film Commission

> Email mako_tanaka at kcva.or.jp (might be an old email address)
> Japan’s overarching Film Commission
> http://www.japanfc.org/en/index.php

Sent from my iPhone

> On 30 Sep 2015, at 1:25 AM, Kutza Assistant <assistant at chicagofilmfestival.com> wrote:
> Thanks Stephen! I've tried getting in contact with the building's PR team without much luck, but those film office contacts should be very helpful.
>> On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 10:13 PM, Stephen Cremin <stephen at asianfilm.info> wrote:
>> If you had a similar question for Seoul or Taipei one could direct your question to the Seoul Film Commission or the Taipei Film Commission. Or direct you to a handful of line producers who would know the answer off the top of their head. I'm sure there are similar people in Tokyo who would know the answer.
>> I don't think there is a Tokyo Film Commission, but you can try the Tokyo-based Japan Film Commission (jfc at japanfc.org; +81 3 5643 5330; +81 3 5643 1251). The only direct emails I have are for deputy director Sekine Ruriko (sekine at japanfc.org) and secretary general Murofushi Tamon (murofushi at japanfc.org).
>> In terms of films shot inside JP Tower, have you thought to contact their PR office or management office? I can imagine film producers also needing (or desiring) to get permission from the building management to use the exterior in a shot. Indie films notwithstanding, the maintream industry would likely always ask permission.
>> Are you showing any films that feature Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport? I'm not sure how easy it is to film there; LOST IN THAILAND, for example, used the other Bangkok airport. For foreign films you'd ask Paul Spurrier at the Thai Film Office (paul at films.in.th); for domestic films, I could direct you to a couple of local line producers.
>> Stephen Cremin
>>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Kutza Assistant <assistant at chicagofilmfestival.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Roger-
>>> Thanks for catching that- I think I misinterpreted the email I received about the buildings.
>>> What I'm looking for are films shot near or in the JP tower next to Tokyo Station. 
>>> http://www.bustler.net/index.php/article/jahn-designed_japan_post_tower_to_open_in_tokyo/
>>> I know it opened recently, but do you think there have been any recent productions there?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kaitlin
>>>> On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Roger Macy <macyroger at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi, Kaitlin,
>>>> I'm a bit confused.  Looking up Helmut Jahn on wikipedia, I see he was born in 1940.  There are very few buildings in Tokyo that date before this, and even fewer that date from the 19th century, but Tokyo Station is one of them, at least its famous red-brick facade.
>>>> There's a fairly new building on the Maronouchi side, to the north-east, that seems to recall his style - I've forgotten its name.  I can think of a few send-off scenes at Tokyo station - which usually don't show the facade - but I don't think these will be of use to you.
>>>> I think we'd need more detail of the actual buildings he's done in Japan to be of any help.
>>>> Roger
>>>> From: Kutza Assistant <assistant at chicagofilmfestival.com>
>>>> To: kinejapan at lists.osu.edu 
>>>> Sent: Monday, 28 September 2015, 23:10
>>>> Subject: [KineJapan] Film Location Question
>>>> Hello-
>>>> I emailed earlier, but I'd like to clarify a bit. I'm making a video at the Chicago International Film Festival as part of our Spotlight Architecture Program where we're honoring Helmut Jahn. I'm looking for clips from Hollywood and international films that have used one of his buildings as a location. Two locations I'm particularly interested in are Tokyo Station and the Japanese Post building.
>>>> Let me know if you know of any films that have shot at either location.
>>>> Thanks-
>>>> Kaitlin
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