[Jstudiesgroup] Meeting with Oguma Fiji on October 2 and October 3

Mariko Tamanoi mtamanoi at anthro.ucla.edu
Fri Jun 24 20:33:36 EDT 2016

To all graduate students of Japan studies group:

I hope all are enjoying the beginning of this summer break- almost 2 more months to “work” hard on whatever you have been working!

I am sending this e-mail message to you to tell you about the first event organized by the Terasaki center: the filming of the movie (首相官邸の前で)by a noted sociologist Oguma Eiji. I have not watched this movie, but it is about the protest groups, with a particular focus on the youth groups, against Shudan Jiei ho as well as Nuclear power plants.  I am sure you are familiar with at least some of his publications and this is the very first film that he made very recently.

He will arrive LA on October 1 and this event will occur on October 3 (Monday), with the film showing (109 minutes), his talk and perhaps some discussion.  I have invited my colleague in anthropology, Prof. Hannah Appel, who has published quite a few articles on Occupy Wall Street, as a sort of discussant.  I am still in the process of organizing this event so when the details are worked out, I will send the plan to you.

The question is about October 2 (Sunday) when no one is in the mood of coming to the campus, but this is a great opportunity for us to have some sort of informal seminar around his works with him. I am thinking of a sort of graduate seminar followed by dinner….  Here’s my request.  Do you have any publication(s) of his that you want to read in this seminar for discussion?  I recall that only his first book has been translated into English, but all others are in Japanese.  The seminar will therefore be conducted in both English and Japanese.  If you have any thought of organizing this kind of seminar in different ways, I also welcome your ideas.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Mariko Tamanoi
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Los Angeles
341 Haines Hall
375 Portola Plaza
Box 951553
Los Angeles, California 90095-1553
Tel: 310-206-8399
Fax: 310-206-7833

From: Jstudies <jstudiesgroup-bounces at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:jstudiesgroup-bounces at lists.ucla.edu>> on behalf of Danica Truscott <danica.truscott at gmail.com<mailto:danica.truscott at gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, January 25, 2016 at 11:05 AM
To: JapanGroup <jstudiesgroup at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:jstudiesgroup at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Jstudiesgroup] Meeting This Friday (1/29) 4PM @ Bunche 10383

Dear IJSG members,

Happy new year! We will be having our first meeting of the quarter this Friday in Bunche 10383 from 4 to 6PM. There will be food provided.

Some items we will be discussing include plans for future meetings in both the Winter and Spring quarters and brainstorming for the 2016 graduate student conference. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to bring them.

Hope to see you there!

Best wishes,

Danica Truscott
PhD Student - Premodern Japanese Literature
Dept. of Asian Languages & Cultures, UCLA
danica.truscott at gmail.com<mailto:danica.truscott at gmail.com>|(916)533-3837
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