[KineJapan] vitality in picture

sissu tarka sissu at basicray.org
Tue Mar 1 03:13:18 EST 2016

dear all,

With regard to my research on animation and its relation to notions of  
vitality – lively images, quasi-autonomous life forms, as it were - I  
am trying to identify or locate an Asian philosopher / theorist, past  
or present, who explores the 'livelyhood' of Chinese images post  
Canguilhem, and of course different to a Western understanding of an  
imge or rather picture.
John Rajchman had spoken about the immersive nature of a Chinese  
image, so the viwer has to enliven hte image/picture by entering it,  
inhabiting it.

Any ideas? Suggestions?

It would be extremely helpful for my research.

many thanks,

Dr Verina Gfader
Research Fellow in Cultural Theory  University of Huddersfield
Lecturer in Fine Art/Critical Studies  Goldsmiths University of London

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