[KineJapan] Matsumoto Toshio has passed away

Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum via KineJapan kinejapan at lists.osu.edu
Thu Apr 13 09:09:26 EDT 2017

That is sad news, though I had heard he was not in good health. 

Matsumoto-san is of course well known for his work as a feature film director, with Funeral Parade of Roses being his most famous work, but he started out in documentary, and was later a leader in experimental film and video. He was also a leading theorist, central to the conceptual development of the Japanese New Wave (Markus and I thus recommended Cinema Journal translate his work). On a personal level, he was also a great help in my career. I first got to know him through the Yamagata Film Festival, where I had the privilege of interviewing him for Documentary Box. Later, when Matsumoto-san was president of the Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences, he appointed me to the board of directors, hoping to add new blood to the Society. In the last few years, as I worked on my book on Japanese film theory, he kindly consented to long interviews even as his health was in decline. Both as a scholar and as a film fan I am deeply indebted to his work. 大変お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。合掌。

Here is my DocBox interview: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.yidff.jp_docbox_9_box9-2D2-2De.html&d=DwIFJg&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=e7qMG9KFq7WNnPQWULWHJA&m=13dW5-kCadWFk2XIdvGqiSvDwWSCBI-xJpS8ceEWog4&s=VBtIiwmIuGhvdGVkuSYYASTOHaHlkyLeFHNXwPLbbhM&e=  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.yidff.jp_docbox_9_box9-2D2-2De.html&d=DwIFJg&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=e7qMG9KFq7WNnPQWULWHJA&m=13dW5-kCadWFk2XIdvGqiSvDwWSCBI-xJpS8ceEWog4&s=VBtIiwmIuGhvdGVkuSYYASTOHaHlkyLeFHNXwPLbbhM&e= >

Here is Michael Raine's translation of Matsumoto-san's "Theory of Avant-Garde Documentary" https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__muse.jhu.edu_article_486104&d=DwIFJg&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=e7qMG9KFq7WNnPQWULWHJA&m=13dW5-kCadWFk2XIdvGqiSvDwWSCBI-xJpS8ceEWog4&s=Ej5VX-b-4dR0nBlK7ar7zaKnjp1iVomv4nxCmcWA6ic&e=  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__l.facebook.com_l.php-3Fu-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fmuse.jhu.edu-252Farticle-252F486104-26h-3DATNcGuPoEO2viiS7XgSqYMnI44MkoEvCQxCKlp4jY0TmhPx7WWWTUIm1k97MPdXazbL8VQjPLzog8uSTazp72N7DT6740xo-5FKM2Qiz6hrjn2kJXUacF4aw76KHCEYpedeSyRGiWhcAW-5F-5Fhe-5FY73v7PYz8g&d=DwIFJg&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=e7qMG9KFq7WNnPQWULWHJA&m=13dW5-kCadWFk2XIdvGqiSvDwWSCBI-xJpS8ceEWog4&s=drpsThYlxm6ZbdNBEULvAcmIZUJK17xC1Rnl5fYlqeM&e= >

Aaron Gerow
Film and Media Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Director of Graduate Studies, EALL
Acting Chair, Council on East Asian Studies
Yale University
320 York Street, Room 311
PO Box 208324
New Haven, CT 06520-8324
Phone: 1-203-432-7082
Fax: 1-203-432-6729
e-mail: aaron.gerow at yale.edu <mailto:aaron.gerow at yale.edu>
website: www.aarongerow.com

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