[KineJapan] Chris Marker and Japan

Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum via KineJapan kinejapan at lists.osu.edu
Sun Aug 27 01:56:14 EDT 2017

Dear KineJapaners, 

A friend of mine is working on a book about Chris Marker and I was wondering if anyone on the list could point him in the right direction, particularly on his research about Marker and Japan. 

Thank you in advance

Please see forwarded message below: 
Dear all, 

My name is Gianluca Pulsoni, Ph. D. student at Cornell University (Romance Studies). 

I am working on a book about Chris Marker and his oeuvre that will be out in two years. It is not an academic research, and it won't be a monograph. 
My purpose is a portrait of the French artist as a traveler, provide a critical approach to his works - from books to films/media art -, and then offer materials to readers (excerpts from some of his publications; interviews with people with whom he worked or was in touch). I thought the structures of a book as such in two parts: portrait and personal reading the first; materials the second. 

Regarding this second part, which will have four sections (Europe; America, Africa; East), I have already started collecting interviews by meeting people such as Nikolai Izvolov ("The Last Bolshevik") and others. In light of this approach, for the East section, I would like to get in touch with Japanese from the film/art or academic field who met/worked with him and willing to share and therefore tell their memories of him. Or just people whose intellectual research (books, exhibitions, or film programs and so forth) extensively focuses on CM, and therefore able to introduce me to the relationship Marker had with your culture and his legacy in Japan today. 

Here is my Cornell's email address: gp365 at cornell.edu. You can also write me here: gianluca.pulsoni at gmail.com. 

Matteo Boscarol
ボスカロル マッテオ
- Documentary in Japan and Asia
- Sonatine2010

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