[KineJapan] Animated Film in Japan Until 1919

Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum via KineJapan kinejapan at lists.osu.edu
Tue Oct 24 08:40:33 EDT 2017

Dear Matteo,

thank you so much for sharing this link.


Quoting Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum via KineJapan  
<kinejapan at lists.osu.edu>:

> Dear members,
> Just a quick note to inform you all that Frederick S. Litten’s book,  
> "Animated Film in Japan Until 1919" has been recently published,  
> here the description:
> "In 2017 Japan celebrates 100 years of anime. 1917 indeed saw the  
> first Japanese animated movies being released in Tokyo cinemas,  
> reflecting years of imports of Western animated movies and  
> knowledge. Yet even earlier local printed animation, inspired by  
> German models, had already been available in Japan for home  
> projectors. This study presents, for the first time in English, a  
> detailed and up-to-date account of foreign and local animation in  
> Japan in the first two decades of the 20th century, also including  
> biographical information on the three Japanese anime pioneers of  
> 1917."
> More here: http://litten.de/abstrtoc/abstr6.htm
> Regards
> Matteo Boscarol
> ボスカロル マッテオ
> 記憶ただ陽炎のゆらめき
> - Documentary in Japan and Asia
> http://storiadocgiappone.wordpress.com

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