[KineJapan] Lukács Conference at UCSB, April 20-21

Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum via KineJapan kinejapan at lists.osu.edu
Mon Apr 16 16:51:56 EDT 2018

Dear KineJapaners,

If you happen to be in and around the Santa Barbara/Los Angels areas this weekend, please join us for the conference “Lukács and the World: Rethinking the Global Circuits of Cultural Production” to be held on April 20 and 21, 2018, at UCSB. 

Below is the conference program, and as you can see, Phil Rosen will present on the relationship between Lukács and Marxist Film Theory. I hope some of you on the list can make it to the event!


Naoki Yamamoto
Assistant Professor
Film and Media Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
yamamoto at filmandmedia.ucsb.edu <mailto:yamamoto at filmandmedia.ucsb.edu>


Lukács and the World: Rethinking the Global Circuits of Cultural Production

April 20-21, 2018 @ The Annenberg Conference Room, 4429 SSMS Building, UCSB


Friday, April 20

Panel 1 (10:20 AM-12:50 PM): Decentering Lukács

Naoki Yamamoto (University of California, Santa Barbara)
	“Lukács, Fukumoto Kazuo, and Marxist Theory in Prewar Japan”

Roy Chan (University of Oregon)
	“…and China: Inclusivity, Reification, and the Terms of Cultural Exchange”

James M. Robertson (Woodbury University)
	“From Aesthetic Balkanism to European Realism: The Avant-Gardes, New 
	Realism and the Horizons of Revolution in Interwar Yugoslavia”
Panel 2 (1:50 PM-3:30 PM): Uneasy Bedfellows—Lukács, Queer Marxism, and the Digital Humanities

Glyn Salton-Cox (University of Santa Barbara)
	“Typicality vs. Normativity”

Sayan Bhattacharyya (University of Pennsylvania)
	“Textual Digital Humanities for Critique, with Lukács” 

Keynote Lecture (4:00 PM-6:00 PM):

Tyrus Miller (University of Santa Cruz)
	“Theaters of History: Drama, Action, and Historical Agency in the Work of 
	György Lukács”

Saturday, April 21

Panel 3 (10:20 AM-12:50 PM): Lukács and Alternative Genealogies of Marxist Aesthetics

Ben Harker (University of Manchester)
	'"Hiding Places for the Enemy": The Translation and Reception of Georg 
	Lukács' Work in Britain, 1950-1971'

Erik M. Bachman (University of California, Santa Cruz)
	“Lukács and the World of the Work of Art”

Philip Rosen (Brown University) 
	“Lukács, Marxist Film Theory, and the Spectacle of Cinema”

Panel 4 (1:50 PM-4:20 PM): The Future of Lukács (Graduate Student Panel)

Shuangting Xiong (University of Oregon)
	“Type, Concentrated Form, and Proleptic Temporality: Lukács and Zhou Yang
	on Narrating the Essence of Reality”

Nicholas Allen (University of Buenos Aires)
	 “The Presence of Lukács in Brazilian Literary Theory”

Ashwin Bajaj (University of California, Santa Barbara)
	“Considerations on the Politics of Lukacs’ Reading of Marx”

Keita Moore (University of California, Santa Barbara)
	“An Aspiration to Organic Sociality: Between Marxism and Posthumanism”Naoki Yamamoto

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