[KineJapan] filming snow scenes

Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum via KineJapan kinejapan at lists.osu.edu
Fri May 4 13:17:24 EDT 2018

dear all,

In the wonderful “The Invisible[1]” asia• theory• visuality conference  
at Princeton in 2015, one of the speakers[2] noted that there is a  
Japanese filmmaker who was an expert in filming (white) snow scenes -  
analogue cinema. Those 'blank images' are supposedly the most  
difficult to bring into view, literally.

As one of the speakers there I has the privilege to listen to those  
interesting 'prospects', but unfortunately didn't take a proper note  
of all that myself. And I would be most grateful if someone can recall  
Perhaps whoever introduced those thoughts will read this email  which  
would be ideal.

If anyone can help further it would be fabulous.

Thank you,

dr verina gfader
artist and researcher
Animate Assembly[3]
Cloud Chamber[4]

[1] http://atv.princeton.edu
[2] https://atv.princeton.edu/home-2/abstracts-participants/
[3] http://art.gold.ac.uk/animate/
[4] http://www.antipyrine.dk/product/verina-gfader-cloud-chamber
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