[KineJapan] Matsubayashi documentary

Roger Macy macyroger at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 26 17:16:50 EST 2019

Thank you for this, Aaron. It’s a story that needs telling.

I’m curious about two language aspects of the film. There’s no reason whyyou should have the answers but I’ll express my curiosity.

The first relates to its making. Has the film had a prior life as aJapanese-language doc.? There doesn’t seem to be anything very recent onMatsubayashi’s ja-wiki page, or on KineNote. Is there anywhere else I can look? The credits in english contain only Japanese names, apart for the englishvoice of the Welsh actor, Michael Rhys. Who wrote the english narration we arehearing ?

The second relates to the content. The eighty-something survivors of theforced migration all speak in portuguese. The following generations ofJapanese-Brazilians generally speak japanese. I’d love to know whether this iselective and in what language(s) is the delivery in the  Japanese schools that they refer to.


    On Tuesday, 17 December 2019, 01:00:03 GMT, Gerow Aaron via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:  
 Matsubayashi Yoju’s documentary on the internment of Japanese Brazilians by Brazil during WWII is now viewable on NHK World until December 28th. The narration and subtitles are in English. 
Matsubayashi is most known for his documentaries on Fukushima. My wife’s company handles two of those:
But he has often shot works abroad, including Flowers and Troops, which was shot in Thailand.

Aaron Gerow
Film and Media Studies Program/East Asian Languages and LiteraturesChair, East Asian Languages and LiteraturesYale University143 Elm Street, Room 210
PO Box 208324
New Haven, CT 06520-8324
Phone: 1-203-432-7082
Fax: 1-203-432-6729
e-mail: aaron.gerow at yale.eduwebsite: www.aarongerow.com

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