[KineJapan] Rethinking Postwar Japanese Documentary Films

Roger Macy macyroger at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 26 18:03:05 EST 2019

Thanks, Matteo and Markus. I only wish I could get to some of these. 

With regard to non-canonical programming, I was particularly intrigued tosee that, for Tsuchimoto, they’d chosen his Siberian film, シベリヤ人の世界, atprog. 16. The Courtisane book from last year. ‘Of Sea and Soil’ had Tsuchimoto’sessay “Can I Eat, Die and Love There?” about his travails in making it.It sounded from that like a lost film but now I get it, thanks to the excellentYIDFF archive – this was reprinted from the their ’93 catalogue where it wasgetting its first outing since the making.

Another thing that is still canonical, however, is Ogawa’s birth year,which is still listed as 1935, despite your best efforts, Markus.


    On Monday, 16 December 2019, 15:14:48 GMT, Markus Nornes via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:  
 This is an amazing retrospective  with, count ‘em, 42 programs. The programming is incredibly smart, with a bunch of surprises. One is sidestepping Minamata and Sanrizuka to pose dam construction as a through line in Japanese documentary history. I thought that was very interesting. One of the pleasures of this series is seeing the choices for the canonical directors. In many cases, they are not the works that are most popular or best known, but rather the best overlooked films by the best directors. It feels like a productive intervention; programming is, after all, the writing of film history at a fundamental level.
 In any case, these films are hard to see and the selection is well-rounded, eye-opening and fantastic. I hope it is well attended, especially by the increasingly youthful audiences at the documentary festivals in Japan. 

On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 1:38 AM matteo boscarol via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:

Dear all, 
Next year (Jan 21-March 8) the National Film Archive of Japan will hold a program dedicated to post-war documentary: Rethinking Postwar Japanese Documentary Films. Lots of well-known movies, but it will be also a chance to see some rarely screened works: 
Matteo BoscarolAsian Docs- Documentary in Japan and Asiahttp://storiadocgiappone.wordpress.com- Film writer for Il Manifestohttp://ilmanifesto.it
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Markus NornesProfessor of Asian CinemaDepartment of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design
Department of Film, Television and Media6348 North Quad105 S. State StreetAnn Arbor, MI 48109-1285
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