[KineJapan] Importing Prints from Japan for Film Series

Markus Nornes nornes at umich.edu
Fri Feb 1 13:50:51 EST 2019

What a great series!

Unfortunately, this is bad timing for collaborating. There isn’t enough
lead time, and your dates straddle the end of the semester (so the front
end lands on finals).

That said, Michigan has what is probably the longest running Japanese film
series around (over 40 years straight). And we show 35mm when we can,
benshi as much as possible for the silents. and regularly bring in
directors or actors. I’d love to collaborate with people if we can start
planning a good 6 months out.

I’m bringing Wada Atsushi to A2 Film Festival this March, but he could only
afford a few days away from teaching duties.

We will be thinking about next year’s series this March......let me know if
you are interested in collaboration.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 9:45 PM William Carroll <
williamjamescarroll at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Aaron,
> The (tentative) dates for the series are:
> Sunday, April 7: *The Ring*
> Sunday, April 14: *Okaeri*
> Sunday, April 21: *Shall We Dance?*
> Sunday, April 28: *Wild Life*
> Sunday, May 5: *Cure*
> Sunday, May 12: *Eureka*
> Sunday, May 19: *Pulse*
> Sunday, May 26: *Harmful Insect*
> Sunday, June 2: *Bright Future*
> Sunday, June 9: *Synchronizer*
>  We're hoping that everything will be on 35mm except *Synchronizer*.
> There are prints of *The Ring*, *Shall We Dance?*, *Cure*, *Pulse*, and *Bright
> Future* that reside in the U.S., so those don't need to be imported. We
> are also looking to play Hori Teiichi's *Bessho Tea Factory* documentary
> on the last week, but that will likely be a blu-ray.
> Thanks,
> Will
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 7:50 PM Gerow Aaron <aaron.gerow at yale.edu> wrote:
>> Dear Will,
>> Great to hear of this. It’s something I’ve thought about doing before.
>> Since I’ve written about and translated Aoyama (and know all of them
>> personally except Manda), let me know if I can help.
>> Can you provide some dates? That might help securing the print if the
>> lender only has a short window.
>> Best,
>> Aaron
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*Markus Nornes*
*Professor of Asian Cinema*
Department of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian Languages and
Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design

*Department of Film, Television and Media*
*6348 North Quad*
*105 S. State Street*
*Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285*
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