[KineJapan] Mabashi Wonderland Movie Festival

Jeremy Harley jeremyharley at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 11:24:05 EST 2019

Here is our flyer, which lists movie times.
*Diary of a Rambling Woman* will not be shown with English subtitles, as
the director's computer has broken, and they are too complicated (involving
positioning between translations of spoken dialogue versus comic book
dialogue etc) to do last-minute. The movie's fantastic though.

I hope to have a map up here in time: https://twitter.com/mabashimovie
but please look up the venue in advance and leave a tiny bit extra time, as
it's not the most obvious place.

Do stop by if you get the chance!!!

Mabashi Wonderland Movie Festival

[image: 馬橋ワンダーチラシ 表紙.jpg]
[image: 馬橋ワンダーチラシ 裏.jpg]

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 11:40 PM Jeremy Harley <jeremyharley at gmail.com>

> Dear everyone,
> I am starting a new festival "next month!!" in Koenji called the Mabashi
> Wonderland Movie Festival.
> Dates are Jan 18, 19, 20 (Fri, Sat, Sun).
> I have tried to describe it below, but some clarification is surely needed
> here and there, please don't hesitate to ask.
> Most but not all films have English subtitles (or are in English to begin
> with), but I don't know how much I'll be able be to promote this festival
> in English in its first year, so please pass this along to friends and
> students or anyone at all whom you think might be interested!
> (prefer it's not posted on Facebook or online, if you don't mind. It's not
> fully polished, perhaps.)
> A more official flyer (in Japanese) will follow in the next few days.
> Below are the films decided so far, which will be complemented with older
> Mabashi shorts and perhaps new shorts by Mabashi directors (TBA).
> *Features*:
> *Diary of a Rambling Woman* (in JP with ENG subs) by Mari Terashima
> *Bamseom Pirates,  Seoul Inferno* (in KR with JP and ENG subs) by Yoonsuk
> Jung
> *I'm Not Here *(in JP with ENG subs) by Shintaro Hihara
> *Shorts programs*:
> *Koki Ebata's Mabashi Movies*  (in JP)
> *Chess Forum Movies *(in JP with ENG subs)
> and more....
> Further descriptions of the movies follow below, and you may find a
> description of the original *Mabashi Movie Festival (now resting?) at the
> very bottom. That festival was founded by three of us. This time, I'm doing
> a different kind of festival under this new-ish name.
> Dates: Jan 18, 19, 20 (Fri, Sat, Sun)
> Venue: Shiroto no Ran #12 (Fudeno bldg. 2f 3-8-12 Koenji-kita Suginami-ku
> Tokyo 1660002 Japan)
> Hope to see you at the movies....!
> peace to all,
> Jeremy
> ●We will premiere the English-subtitled version (my translation) of *Diary
> of a Rambling Woman*. Mari Terashima has been making movies for a long
> time, you may be familiar with Princess Plum Pudding (1999) and Alice in
> the Underworld: the Dark Märchen Show!! (2009).
> Diary of a Rambling Woman is a brooding batty and uproarious self-mocking
> self-documentary.
> ●The band in *Bamseom Pirates,  Seoul Inferno *-Bamseom Pirates - has
> close ties to Koenji, especially to Shiroto no Ran (Amateur Revolt/Riot),
> and the movie will be showing there for the first time, so it should be
> great fun. The band's satirical lyrics jibe well with the Shiroto no Ran
> view on life. The movie's garish envisioning of the band's songs has its
> own style, that complements them eloquently.
>  ↑Both of these are laugh out loud movies, made to be seen with people, in
> public.
> ●*I'm Not Here* is a fiction feature shot by an employee of the film
> division of an arts college. He shot in the college itself, using film
> students as his actors, but the film's message is to harshly criticize the
> school and its administration as it becomes more and more commercial to the
> detriment of its students, a ubiquitous problem in Japan today. Unhurried
> at 2 hrs 20 min, and yet completely engrossing.
> ●Koki Ebata might be best known for Transgender Trouble, which showed at
> Yamagata in 2011, and she also filmed a daring chronicle of her boyfriend's
> arrest in a protest in September 2011 entitled My Boyfriend Was Arrested!
> She made 6 shorts for Mabashi over the years, all shown here. The first
> three chronicle the work of the collective RLL, who were centered in and
> around Shiroto no Ran. The third shows anti-nuclear protests from April
> 2011 through early summer of 2011. The last two are more diary-like. All
> shorts are 10 min or a few seconds under, so it's an hour-long program.
> ●Chess Forum is a chess store where I used to work in Greenwich Village in
> New York, and a number of shorts (fiction and documentary) have been made
> in and about it, so I thought I'd show a few, with Japanese subtitles. It's
> a last vestige of a New York that once was, watched over by the son of
> Palestian refugees, and I hope we can express at least a tiny bit of what
> the store is about, and hopefully transport viewers to someplace
> interesting.
> *The Mabashi Movie Festival was a community film festival held in
> “Mabashi” (the old name for an area between Koenji and Asagaya in Tokyo) a
> total of ten times between August 2007 and February 2013. Participating
> directors made new films of up to ten minutes each, which we screened for
> one another in person (and mostly didn’t upload on YouTube, which became
> popular in the same period).
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