[KineJapan] Kinema Club XVIII Schedule, February 22nd-24th, Yale University

Caitlin Casiello caitlin.casiello at yale.edu
Sat Jan 19 17:09:45 EST 2019

Dear Kineastes,

We are happy to announce the below schedule for Kinema Club XVIII, Gender
and Sexuality in Japanese Cinema, on February 22nd-24th, Yale University.

If you are joining us, there is still time to book discount hotel rooms at
the Courtyard Marriott:

Please be in touch with any questions, comments, strong objections to our
translations of the films' titles, etc. Looking forward to seeing you all.


*Kinema Club XVIII Schedule*

*Feb 22nd, Friday  *

6:00pm - Reception

7:00pm - Fukujusō (Kawate Jirō, 1935)
With benshi and live piano accompaniment
Panelists: Sarah Frederick, Marta Figlerowicz, Brian Meacham

*Feb 23rd, Saturday*

8:00 am - Breakfast

9:00 am - Gate of Flesh (Makino Masahiro, 1948)
Panelists: Saitō Ayako, Kamiya Makiko, Vera Mackie, Griseldis Kirsch
(Moderator: Irene Gonzalez)

11:30am - Lunch break

12:30pm - Lily Festival (Hamano Sachi, 2001)
Panelists: Jasper Sharp, Caitlin Casiello, Jonathan Hall

3:30pm - Coffee break

4:00pm - Flowers Have Fallen (Ishida Tamizō, 1938) and Madam Butterfly’s
Illusion (Arai Wagorō, 1940)
Panelists: Katie Trumpener, Hsin-Yuan Peng, Jason Douglass

6:30pm - Dinner break

8:00pm - The Elegant Life of Mr. Everyman (Okamoto Kihachi, 1963)
Panelists: Hannah Airess, Miryam Sas, Jennifer Coates, Xavier Sawada

*Feb. 24th, Sunday*

8:00am - Breakfast

9:00am - The Eternal Breasts (Tanaka Kinuyo, 1955)
Panelists: Alejandra Armendariz-Hernandez, Roger Macy, Irene Gonzalez

Caitlin Casiello

Ph.D. Student
Film & Media Studies / East Asian Languages and Literatures
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Yale University
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