[KineJapan] Writing on Ryosuke Hashiguchi
Jasper Sharp
jasper_sharp at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 22 11:36:13 EST 2019
I've found no evidence of any scholarship on Hashiguchi in terms of journal papers, but remember that LIKE GRAINS OF SAND did get a theatrical release in the UK (I remember seeing it at the ICA in 1997), and Tony Rayns reviewed it in Sight & Sound (UK), 1997, VII, no. 2 (Feb), pp. 47-48.
At the same time, he also interviewed Hashiguchi in Time Out (UK), 1997, no. 1379 (Jan 22), for an article called
‘Against the grain’ , p. 69. The BFI library does have old back issues of Time Out.
There are also reviews of ALL AROUND US in :
* Cinema Scope (CN), 2009, no. 37 (Winter), p. 46-47. All around us.
* Film Comment (US), 2008, XLIV, no. 6 (Nov-Dec), p. 64-65. Labors of love.
But really nothing substantial in print beyond Variety reviews for his other work, unless you are also looking at stuff published in French, and even then it doesn't go much further than reviews.
The Creeping Garden<http://www.creepinggarden.com/> - A Real-Life Science-Fiction Story about Slime Moulds and the People Who Work With them, directed by Tim Grabham and Jasper Sharp.
Available now on Dual-Format Blu-ray/DVD from Arrow Films<https://arrowfilms.com/product-detail/the-creeping-garden-dual-format/FCD1435>.
The book, The Creeping Garden: Irrational Encounters with Plasmodial Slime Moulds is out now from Alchimia Publishing<http://www.alchimiapublishing.com/creeping-garden/>.
"A surprising investigation of perception, thought and life itself", Nicolas Rapold, The New York Times<http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/30/movies/review-the-creeping-garden-on-the-wonders-of-the-slime-mold.html>.
"An out-of-left-field nerdy delight", John DeFore, Hollywood Reporter<https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/creeping-garden-fantasia-review-724416>.
"Strange, eccentric, diverting", Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian<https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/mar/09/creeping-garden-review-slime-mould-film>.
From: KineJapan <kinejapan-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> on behalf of Alexander Jacoby <alexanderjacoby at brookes.ac.uk>
Sent: 22 January 2019 11:54
To: Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum
Subject: [KineJapan] Writing on Ryosuke Hashiguchi
Dear all,
I was teaching Hashiguchi's Hush! last semester and found it went down particularly well this year; a lot of students either presented or wrote on the film. Perhaps the theme of alternative family models and the central themes of a gay man wanting to be a parent and a straight woman wanting to be a mother without having to be a wife seems particularly interesting at a time when gay adoption and surrogacy is becoming more widespread in many Western countries.
But I was struck by how little reading I have to recommend to students about this film! There is the chapter on Hashiguchi in the Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film. And there's a short piece that is part of a chapter in Romit Dasgupta et al, Configurations of Family in Contemporary Japan. But I wondered if anyone had come across any further published scholarship on the film, or on Hashiguchi in general, that I might have overlooked. For the sake of the Film Studies students in the class this needs to be in English, but I'd also be interested from my own point of view to know if anyone has written about the film in Japanese.
Best wishes,
(Senior Lecturer in Japanese Studies, Oxford Brookes University)
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