[KineJapan] Movie scripts of Keisuke Kinoshita's films

Fanglin Wang fw181 at georgetown.edu
Tue Jan 29 17:28:22 EST 2019

Hi everyone,
I hope this email finds you well. I am working on a film project that
analyzes director Keisuke Kinoshita's melodrama films in 1940s-50s. I am
wondering if there is any place to look for the movie scripts of
Kinoshita's films by any chance (online or in the U.S.)?

The scripts can be in either Japanese or English. I am specifically looking
for the scripts of the following films:
*Rikugun (Army; 1944);*
*Morning for the Osone Family(1946)*
*Fushicho(Phoenix; 1947)*
*A Japanese Tragedy (1953)*
*Twenty-Four Eyes (1954)*

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your help
in advance!

Fanglin Wang

Graduate Student
Department of Communication, Culture and Technology
Georgetown University
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