[KineJapan] Talk on Haniya Yutaka, July 6

Naoki Yamamoto yamamoto at filmandmedia.ucsb.edu
Sat Jun 29 22:46:41 EDT 2019

Dear KineJapaners,

Sorry if you have already seen this somewhere else, but please allow me to announce a talk I will be giving this Saturday, July 6, at Waseda University. The talk is about the postwar writer Haniya Yutaka’s “ontological” film theory. It will be given in Japanese, but I’m more than happy to have questions in English, too. 

https://www.waseda.jp/inst/sgu/news/2019/06/24/5499/ <https://www.waseda.jp/inst/sgu/news/2019/06/24/5499/>

Please come join me if you are in and around the Tokyo area!


Naoki Yamamoto
Assistant Professor
Film and Media Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
yamamoto at filmandmedia.ucsb.edu

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