[KineJapan] Pre-AAS Roundtable Announcement

Zahlten, Alexander azahlten at fas.harvard.edu
Sat Jan 11 19:27:58 EST 2020

Hello Everyone,

Since film will play a big role at the event and Japan will feature as well this announcement may be interesting for people on the list-
If you are going to AAS and have time during the day before panels kick off in the evening please feel free to drop by!

All best,

Future Trajectories of Asian Media Studies -

An All-Day Roundtable

March 19, 2020

Harvard University

In the run-up to the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Conference in Boston we invite all interested to join us for “Future Trajectories of Asian Media Studies - An All-Day Roundtable”. The event will introduce current scholarship by the participants, interrogate basic assumptions and problematic issues of the emerging field of “Asian Media Studies”, and discuss possible future directions for the study of media in the context of Asia. Keynote speakers are Laikwan Pang (Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Kazunori Mizushima (Osaka Sangyo University). The schedule and a full list of the participants is inserted below.

In choosing to call this event an “All-Day Roundtable,” we wish to emphasize discussion and interlocution over conventional presentations of conference papers. To this end, each member of each three-person panel will introduce and comment on another panelist's abstract, ending with one or two questions to the author of the abstract, who can then respond before we move to the next panelist.  This format will build dialogue into the preparation and presentation as well as allow maximum time for discussion, which will also include the larger round of attendees.

If you are interested in attending, please send a brief message to: AllDayRoundtable at gmail.com


Jie Li

Tomiko Yoda

Alexander Zahlten

This event is made possible by the generous support of the Harvard University Asia Center,  the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, and the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations.

Roundtable Venue:

CGIS South Building

Harvard University Campus

1730 Cambridge Street

Cambridge, MA 02138


9:00 - 9:10 Opening Remarks

9:10-10:00 Keynote Kazunori Mizushima (Osaka Sangyo University): On Post-Media Futurability

10:15-11:15  Panel 1 (moderator Tomiko Yoda): Aniruddha Maitra (Colgate University), Ying Qian (Columbia University), Tom Lamarre (Duke University)

11:30-12:30  Panel 2 (moderator Alexander Zahlten): Noriko Manabe (Temple University), Jae Won Chung (Rutgers University), Feng Mei Heberer (NYU Tisch)

12:30-1:45 Lunchtime discussion

2:00-2:50  Keynote Laikwan Pang (Chinese University of Hong Kong): Mask as Identity? The

Political and the Judiciary Subject in Hong Kong’s Social Unrest

3:00-4:00  Panel 3 (moderator Jie Li): Arnika Fuhrmann (Cornell University), Bhaskar Sarkar (UC Santa Barbara), Guobin Yang (Annenberg School of Communication, U. of Pennsylvania)

4:10-5:30  Closing discussion

We look forward to seeing you at the event!

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