[KineJapan] New Japanese Films at Shanghai

Wang Xinyi wangxinyi40 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 26 10:08:16 EDT 2020

Dear all,

Here’s the website of 23rd Shanghai International Film Festival (2020.7.25 - 8.2). http://www.siff.com/siff/english/ <http://www.siff.com/siff/english/>

There are some online master classes. https://t.youku.com/yep/page/m/shanghaidianyingjie23?wh_weex=true&isNeedBaseImage=1&from=home_floor <https://t.youku.com/yep/page/m/shanghaidianyingjie23?wh_weex=true&isNeedBaseImage=1&from=home_floor>
You can click the photo of the director and watch it. You are able to watch the record version if you cannot watch the live stream. 
However, there’s no English subtitle at present. 

7/25 22:30-23:30 JIA Zhang-ke
7/26 20:00-21:00 James Schamus
7/27 22:00-23:00 Olivier Assayas
7/28 22:00-23:00 Kawase Naomi
7/31 21:00-22:00 Lav Diaz
8/01 21:00-22:00 Denis Villeneuve
8/02 21:00-23:00 Koreeda Hirokazu

Xinyi Wang
Master, Cinema Studies
Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University
Mail Address: wangxinyi40 at yahoo.com <mailto:wangxinyi40 at yahoo.com>
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