[KineJapan] Help identifying two films with a connection to Bhutan...

Tim Iles timiles2003 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 29 21:45:50 EDT 2021

Friends, a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto has asked me whether I could help him identify two Japanese films that have a connection with Bhutan--he’s described what he remembers of them, but they don’t ring any bells for me...

Would anyone have any suggestions as to which films these might be? I quote the remembrances below:

“The movies played a vital role in culture connecting between Japan and Bhutan.

“Movie 1 
The movie is basically set in Japan and it was a kind of a war movie (probably world war 2 ) the movie should be made in between 1970-1985 , the plot had the following scenes that I remember, the protagonist (who is a soldier) tries to save an elephant throughout the movie, he takes care of the elephant and tries to hide from the army, in a particular scene we see the army using a dog as a bomb carrier to send it enemy camp - this is the best I can remember. 

“Movie 2 
This movie is also from Japan based on two young friends ( kids aged 10-15 ) , one of them is chubby and tall  and another short, both of them try to learn karate or some form of martial arts from others by watching others practices over a windows.”

Many thanks to one and all!


Tim Iles
University of Victoria 

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