[KineJapan] 90s Nouvelle Vague vs Cinema of Precarity

Sabrina Vaquerizo González svaquerizo at uoc.edu
Sun Apr 17 06:14:35 EDT 2022

Hi, everyone,

I’m a PhD candidate and my research focuses on the Japanese cinema during the postbubble years. Being an economic downturn, and deeply influence by Allison’s Precarious Japan, I became interested in Amamiya Karin’s use of the term purekariāto and then I came with Lauren Berlant's concept of “cinema of precarity” in the 90s. Of course I’ve been reading Iwata-Weickgenannt and Rosenbaum Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature. But I’m trying to make sense of Aoyama Shinji’s Nouvelle Vague Manifesto through the “cinema of precarity” lense and here is where I become confused. Although his manifesto was prior to the neoliberal reforms in Japan, there’s a hopeless struggle in his Helpless (or Sabu’s Dangan Runner among others) which drives me inevitably to a global notion of precarity.

Thanks in advanced for your comments.

Sabrina Vaquerizo González
PhD candidate
Humanities and Communication
svaquerizo at uoc.edu
ORCID 0000-0003-4839-8516
Grup de Recerca Consolidat MEDUSA <https://medusa.blogs.uoc.edu/>  Gèneres en Transició



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