[KineJapan] Nagoya Symposium: Screens and Energy

Zahlten, Alexander azahlten at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Dec 22 20:06:58 EST 2022

Dear All,

For those that are interested please feel free to attend (online or in-person) a symposium on Screens and Energy on January 7 & 8 at Nagoya University (organized by Fujiki Hideaki, Chang Cheng-chieh, and myself).  I think we have an amazing group together, and the discussions should be really interesting. A description and the basic program is listed below, but you can also download a pdf of the full program at:


We hope to see you there!

Screens and Energy Symposium

Date: January 7 (Sat.) and 8 (Sun.), 2023
Venue: Conference Hall, Integrated Research Bldg. for Humanities & Social Sciences, Nagoya University
            https://en.nagoya-u.ac.jp/map/index.html (Campus Map: B4-4)
Online access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81740738589?pwd=cTRuUG1ha2RHUkllcjkrTzdmNHVsQT09
Meeting ID: 817 4073 8589   Pass Code: 562790 (No preregistration required)
Full program: https://nuss.nagoya-u.ac.jp/s/fnMgirLyyCdgBq9
Organized by Cheng-chieh Chang, Hideaki Fujiki, and Alexander Zahlten
Sponsored by the Harvard-Yenching Institute

This two-day symposium Screens and Energy aims to explore the complex relations between screens and the energy systems they are part of. In recent years energy infrastructures have become understood as a pressing problem. An increasing number of scholars in humanities have recognized that this is not just a matter of engineering and governmental policy, but a matter of complex relations between culture, society, and ecology, ranging from human and nonhuman bodies to infrastructures and the earth. However, in the field of cinema and media studies, the relationship of media technologies to the energy systems of production, distribution, and consumption especially in East Asia is still largely under- examined. While eco-critical approaches have made inroads in East Asian film studies, they mostly focus on critical stances formulated within films on a narrative or stylistic level. Against this background the workshop is meant to create a space to discuss the important and timely issue of how to link up questions of media technologies, energy, and representation from a multitude of perspectives. Intended to kickstart a discussion, we hope the event will initiate new questions in media studies and other fields of the humanities.

Saturday, January 7
9:30 - 10:00
Opening Remarks – Hideaki Fujiki & Alexander Zahlten

10:00 - 12:00
Panel 1 – Moderator: Jennifer Coates (Sheffield University)
Kazuto Kondo (Otsuma Women’s University)
"Fighting Movie Theaters": Film Exhibition under World War II

Takuya Tsunoda (Columbia University)
Pattern-seeing and Film Technique: Energy and Industrial Cinema

Cheng-chieh Chang (Soochow University)
Scenes from a Coal Mine: Energy, Nation, Disaster

13:30 - 16:00
Panel 2 – Moderator: Ran Ma (Nagoya University)
Stephanie Deboer (Indiana University Bloomington)
LED as Entry Point: Toward an Elemental Approach to Urban Screens and Surfaces

Marc Steinberg (Concordia University)
Platform Energetics: Automobilities, Screens, and Energy Systems

Han Sang Kim (Ajou University)
Overseas Outsourcing of Crime Show Locations and Unsustainable Virtual Tourism

Winnie Yee (University of Hong Kong)
Between Ruination and Creation: Mobility, Energy, and the Making of Affective Migrant Workers in Post-socialist China

Sunday, January 8
9:30 - 12:00
Panel 3 - Moderator: Shota Ogawa (Nagoya University)
Thomas Lamarre (Chicago University)
Nuclear Ecology and the Energetics of Infrastructure

Yuriko Furuhata (McGill University)
Cold Chains of Ice and Data

Kiu-wai Chu (Nanyang Technical University)
Energy Justice in Chinese Screen Media

Tomoko Shimizu (Tokyo University of the Arts)
Ecology in the Age of the Wretched of the Screen

14:00 - 16:30
Closing Discussion

Alexander Zahlten
Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
Harvard University
(He / him / his)

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