[KineJapan] Carla Simón

Roger Macy macyroger at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 16 16:42:06 EST 2022

 Ferran, thank you. But I can only navigate to a Spanish PDF, even if I opt for 'english'. Please guide me.Roger

    On Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 20:49:58 GMT, Eija Niskanen via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:  
 Bird in Peninsula is interesting. Have to try and check it another time when I can. Berlinale also had Sho Miyake’s Keiko Me wo sumasete, about a death female boxer, based on a real story. The festival itself was a showcase of how to pull a huge event in the middle of the omicron wave. FPP2 masks were mandatory in theaters, they asked us to show out vaccine certificates to receive the accreditation badges, you ha to reserve a ticket in. advance and the ticket gave a numbered seat - they sold 50% of seats. To get into press conferences you had to take antigen rapid test every day. They had free test busses in the main festival area. 

Eija Niskanen

Gerow Aaron via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> kirjoitti 16.2.2022 kello 22.39:

Thanks for this! 
I noticed that Wada Atsushi also got a special mention in the short film competition.
Aaron Gerow

Dear colleagues,
This is Ferran de Vargas from the Open University of Catalonia. Since the Catalan filmmaker Carla Simón has just won the Berlinale, I would like to share with you this interview by me and professor Manuel Garin (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) in a special issue for the journal l'Atalante a couple of years ago, in which we were conversing with her and another director about the influence of Japanese cinema on their view.
You can find the pdf in Spanish and English in this link: http://www.revistaatalante.com/index.php?journal=atalante&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=809 
With best wishe,
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