[KineJapan] Catholicism in Anime

Kyle LaChance kclachan at umich.edu
Sun Feb 20 22:54:47 EST 2022

Dear Dr. Gerow,

Apologies for the late reply. I haven't used many mail lists through email
before and it slowed down my response time. I agree that much of the
Christianity in Anime is very amorphous. My thesis is currently examining
and trying to argue that there are very Catholic-originating ideas of
Christianity and representations of Christianity that are showcased in
anime. It seems to me that when specific branches of Christianity are
mentioned, it's often the Catholic Church that is chosen or a heavily
modified version of such.


I can read and write in Japanese as well as in English so any articles in
either language would be invaluable. Any other languages I would need to
find a translator to help me with.

To everyone else,

Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions and insights. I hope I haven't
forgotten any direct responses and if so, please let me know so I can
properly thank you or continue the dialogue. As I mentioned above, I
haven't used many mail lists earlier in my scholarly career so if I have
made any faux pas, please forgive me.

Thank you,

Kyle LaChance
Second Year in the Masters in International and Regional Studies
International Institute and Center for Japanese Studies
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