[KineJapan] NHK doc about Kawase Naomi’s Olympic doc

Jeremy Harley jeremyharley at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 11:01:52 EST 2022

Just following up, NHK in Osaka has apologized
<https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ196WCCQ19PTFC004.html> for the wayward
title, but it doesn’t seem like that gets at the root of the problem by any

As Yang Yonghi writes
(paraphrasing): one can’t help but suspect they planned to shape the story
with such a title from the beginning.

A lot more going around on this topic, including criticism of Kawase, but I
thought I’d just pass on the basics, especially since I haven’t seen the
doc myself and I don’t have a clear sense of her connection or involvement

Jeremy Harley

Mabashi Movie Festival

On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 4:49 PM Jeremy Harley <jeremyharley at gmail.com> wrote:

> Happy New Year, Kine Japanners!
> I was wondering if anyone watched the NHK doc on Kawase Naomi’s Olympic doc
> 「河瀬直美が見つめた東京五輪」by any chance?  Apparently it aired on Dec 26
> <https://www.nhk.jp/p/bs1sp/ts/YMKV7LM62W/episode/te/ZYG5V7624M/>. Not
> her doc yet, it's a doc about her doc.
> I missed it and am curious about this dubious scene
> <https://twitter.com/Nathankirinoha/status/1476804452703432707> of a man
> purported to have been paid to participate in anti-Olympic protests. The
> clip declares that he was paid - a very inflammatory assertion - by making
> it seem like he is admitting to it, but in fact the central detail about
> getting paid is only in the titles.
> It's not her filming, and it would seem irrelevant to her documentary, so
> I was curious how it was framed........... just in case anyone happened to
> catch it?
> peace,
> Jeremy
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