[KineJapan] Call for contributors to a new volume on 1930s Japanese Cinema

Michael Kerpan mekerpan2 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 13:07:40 EDT 2022

Sean --

Best wishes on this project -- as I might just love the 1930s cinema of
Japan most of all.  Three of my (only) four semi-important mini-essays
(from long ago now) dealt with films of this period.  I wish I could
contribute -- but I am not a professional and am "out of the loop".  My
dream project (which I will never actually do, at this point) would have
been "Ozu After Dark". ;-)  But there is so much that is wonderful in that
era -- not just Ozu and Naruse and Shimizu -- but Yamanaka and Shimazu and
Uchida and Gosho.  I want to see more (but I probably never will see more
than what I have seen) and read more (on which I will count on your book).

Michael Kerpan
Boston, MA

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 11:08 AM Sean O'REILLY via KineJapan <
kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> In light of the just-released, and quite intriguing, review by Markus of
> the recent slew of Handbooks of Japanese Cinema, mentioned a few issues ago
> in the digest, it's with some trepidation that I make this announcement,
> but I'm currently gathering contributors for--you guessed it--a handbook on
> the topic of  Japanese cinema. This handbook is focused relatively
> narrowly, on the single decade of the 1930s.
> While this topic will doubtless immediately call to mind the 2020 AUP book
> edited by Michael Raine and Johan Nordstrom, which I and I think many of us
> read with great interest and enthusiasm, I am optimistic that the strict
> chronological focus on the 1930s and the relatively large number of
> contributors/voices I am seeking (around 20) may serve to give the new
> volume its own unique identity. Anyone with an interesting idea or angle on
> 1930s cinema (broadly defined) in Japan (also potentially broadly defined!)
> is welcome to contact me and begin discussing the possibility of
> contributing, up to and including the scholars who worked on the AUP book
> if they have any interest in taking up a relatively similar topic once more.
> I'm happy and grateful indeed to report that some of the people in this
> community have already graciously committed to contributing a chapter to
> this upcoming volume, as have a few Japanese scholars who may not
> necessarily be reading these English-language digests but are nonetheless
> very much part of our community. That said, there is still space in the
> volume for several more contributions, which is why I am reaching out today.
> In the volume, I am aiming for relatively short contributions of about
> 8000 words each (though this is negotiable), with rough drafts of chapters
> due by the very end of 2022 (also potentially negotiable to some extent),
> with 2023 given over to peer review and revision, and a firm (i.e., signed)
> commitment by the publisher to release the volume in March 2024. I would be
> more than happy to discuss any and all other details with prospective
> contributors either by email or via Zoom (or equivalent). Please reach out
> to me at seanoreilly at aiu.ac.jp at any time, and I will gladly share with
> you the formal call for contributors with all the relevant dates and so
> forth.
> It is a very exciting time to be involved in researching Japanese cinema,
> I must say, and I am both honored and proud to be a member of Kinema Club!
> Thanks very much for your time.
> Best,
> Sean (O'Reilly)
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