[KineJapan] Kawase Redux
Frederick Veith
notreconciled at gmail.com
Thu May 26 18:19:06 EDT 2022
I don’t think the film is available to the general public here until
sometime in June. I can only offer a perhaps meaningless piece of anecdata,
which that the protest at the premiere in Tokyo made it to the Kyodo News
headline ticker on Yamanote-sen, on a day when there had been (judging from
photos) somewhat larger protests against President Biden’s visit which
received no such treatment.
On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 6:28 Markus Nornes via KineJapan <
kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:
> Shukan Bunshun has another Kawase article, and apparently much longer.
> It's behind a paywall that cuts off after the incident where she punches a
> staff member in the face so hard his face swells up. But this box below the
> headline gives a sense for the ground it covers.
> 東京五輪公式映画が間もなく封切られる河瀬直美氏。キャリアの絶頂を極めるまでには、役者を精神的に追い詰める演出や、スタッフを部品のように切り捨てる一面も。自らを卑弥呼になぞらえる映画界の女帝の足跡を辿る。
> ▶「人を部品のように」カンヌ受賞作主演が3時間語った
> ▶女性スタッフを深夜のNYに締め出し「帰ってくるな」
> ▶仕出しスタッフに一目惚れして主演抜擢、破局後に“追放”
> ▶ヒロインに“イジメ演出”「徹底的に無視」「点滴5回」
> ▶「黒澤明、大島渚の次の世代が私」“世界のカワセ”と豪語
> Spectacular...by design. It's a weekly, so hard to trust. But it's also a
> topic the major outlets resist—as we've seen here in the states, especially
> pre-#Metoo. I'm curious if anyone has read the whole article, or if it's
> being picked up by other magazines, newspapers and TV.
> She must be in the news all the time considering the Olympics film (part 1
> of 2) is out and is playing at Cannes. Has anyone seen it????
> Markus
> ---
> *Markus Nornes*
> *Professor of Asian Cinema*
> *Interim Chair, Dept. of Asian Languages and Culture*
> Department of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian Languages
> and Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design
> *Homepage: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~nornes/
> <http://www-personal.umich.edu/~nornes/>*
> *Department of Film, Television and Media*
> *6348 North Quad*
> *105 S. State Street
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/105+S.+State+Street+Ann+Arbor,+MI+48109-1285?entry=gmail&source=g>**Ann
> Arbor, MI 48109-1285
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/105+S.+State+Street+Ann+Arbor,+MI+48109-1285?entry=gmail&source=g>*
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