[KineJapan] Revolution + 1 Talk Show

Markus Nornes nornes at umich.edu
Mon Sep 26 22:35:44 EDT 2022

Last night was the premiere of Adachi’s new film Revolution +1.

The venue was Loft+1 in Shinjuku. Afterwards, he sat on a panel with
musician Darth Raider, Miyadai Shinji, and screenwriter Inoue. They
broadcast it live via Vimeo. Now I see that the recorded it and left it up:


I look forward to hearing how the film itself is. Everyone at the screening
seemed excited.


*Markus Nornes*
*Professor of Asian Cinema*

Department of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian Languages and
Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design

*Homepage: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~nornes/
*Department of Film, Television and Media*
*6348 North Quad*
*105 S. State Street**Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285*
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