[KineJapan] Inquiry about Ōtsuki Natsuko 大月奈都子

matteoB matteo.boscarol at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 03:38:20 EST 2023

Dear All,

I'm posting here e message from a friend who is not on KineJapan I hope
some of you can give him some help:

My name is Akira-Kai Kitazono. I'm a third-year film student from the UK,
currently researching the Japanese Experimental Filmmaking movement
pre-2000s' as part of my Dissertation.
When researching for a chapter on the involvement of female experimental
filmmakers from Japan, I spoke with many curators and filmmakers, but one
filmmaker that came up often was Ōtsuki Natsuko  大月奈都子, a filmmaker whose
work has been of great interest to me. However, I haven't been able to view
any of her work or contact her regarding further information. As one of her
films was screened at the YIDFF film festival in 1997 (
https://yidff.jp/97/cat091/97c103-3-e.html…) I wanted to enquire if you
have any contact information, or the way I could view Otsuki Natsuko's
works, and contact her regarding any further questions about her work.
She would be a critical filmmaker to mention in my research, and I'd love
the chance to know more about her. I hope to hear from someone soon.

All the best, Akira-Kai Kitazono
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